Saturday, April 12, 2008
should have posted this earlier. i got to the part where floyd is wounded. went across field with soldiers covered with german machine guns. the guy he knows goes down, he follows. gets shot thru the arm, hit in the shoulder/back, and then the face, losing his eye, but he doesn't know that. krauts still shooting, so he has to lie low til dark. then he and the other guy make a long voyage to get treated. floyd is pretty much taking mental notes the hole time and even reports his hallucintion after getting drugs to put him under. right now he is recounting being in a wounded soldier ward. mornings its bandage cart and getting dressings changed. the sufferers hae their ways of dealing, but while they moan, the others laugh gleefully. and boy, they take their injuries in stride. only have a few chapters left. too much glory. but still fine writing.
should have posted this earlier. i got to the part where floyd is wounded. went across field with soldiers covered with german machine guns. the guy he knows goes down, he follows. gets shot thru the arm, hit in the shoulder/back, and then the face, losing his eye, but he doesn't know that. krauts still shooting, so he has to lie low til dark. then he and the other guy make a long voyage to get treated. floyd is pretty much taking mental notes the hole time and even reports his hallucintion after getting drugs to put him under. right now he is recounting being in a wounded soldier ward. mornings its bandage cart and getting dressings changed. the sufferers hae their ways of dealing, but while they moan, the others laugh gleefully. and boy, they take their injuries in stride. only have a few chapters left. too much glory. but still fine writing.

CELLINI, Benvenuto- 1500-1569 b. florence. father a musician and made insttruments. dad wished for B to join him in his work, but b pulled to design and metal work. worked for vatican. saved the pontiff from an attack.
CELSIUS, Anders- 1701-1744. swedish astronomer. after traveling in germany, england, italy, and france, took part of an expedition in 1736 by other scientists for measuring a degree of the meridian in lapland. member of the academies of stocholm and berlin and of london. left several papers. tried to show the waters of the ocean decreasing in volumn. WE WISH!
CELSUS- 1st writer against christianity recorded. blah blah.
CELTIC LITERATURE- pgs 297-328. NO! no read.
CEMENTS- glue. several recipes.
BEHOLD the power of BOXES.

should say michelle. the boss's widow. this was an original design. small, but pretty. i worked on and off for about 10 years. this was finished right when i came back for the last time i think. how do you work for another studio when i worked where this was made. was poking around in the basement today looking in assorted boxes. if i had a decent soldering iron.......
Friday, April 11, 2008
checked drawer. big tail. are they only coming because of the peanut butter? sigh. damn thing was stuck in the trap. EEEEEEW. get out get out! brother buried it. no bugs to eat it anyways i think.
guess a little better than visible snap trap.
checked drawer. big tail. are they only coming because of the peanut butter? sigh. damn thing was stuck in the trap. EEEEEEW. get out get out! brother buried it. no bugs to eat it anyways i think.
guess a little better than visible snap trap.
jeez, why didn't anybody remind me.
40? -3 days stupid Bush weeks to go
40? -3 days STUPID Bush weeks to go
FAA 'inspections' aka levee protection.
petrayus wants to continue 100,000 little indians, . WHAT FUN!
40? @$#%-3 days stupid Bush weeks to go
40? -3 days stupid Bush weeks to go
40? -3 days STUPID Bush weeks to go
FAA 'inspections' aka levee protection.
petrayus wants to continue 100,000 little indians, . WHAT FUN!
40? @$#%-3 days stupid Bush weeks to go

her again? yeah. she kees popping up. i made it the size the book said. dammit, they included the frame! dang. oh well. jeez, she sure has big hands. i think leonardo used his boy toy's hands.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
CELESTINE- 5 popes.
Cel I-a roman. 431? persecuted the pelagians. sent palladius, a greek to scotland and st. patrick to ireland. raged against novatians in rome. pope 8 yrs, 5 months, 3 days. died 432.
CEL II- 1143 pope only 5 mon,13 days. died 1144.
Cel III- Giancinto Bobone Orsini 1191 pope 6 y, 9m, 9 d. about 90 when elected. crowned Emperor Henry VI and excommunicated him for holding Richard of england prisoner.
Cel IV- Godfrey Catiglioni of milan, nephew of Urban III. elected by 7 cardinals during troubles of the emp frederick II on 1241. 17 days.
Cel V- Peterdi morone b. 1215. son of a peasant. 1st monk. hermitish. 1294 elected, but didn't want to leave his cavern, but forced to go by cardinals and kings of naples and hungary. 2 decrees. 1 gregoryX orders of shutting cardinals in conclave and 2-that popes have the right to abdicate and after 5 m, 8 days proceeded to do that. his successor pontiface VIII sent for CV, then imprisoned him and after 9m, died.
CELEBACY- blah blah blah, but at the end. "the church understood too well what-(council of trent) was around her, and too little what was ahead of her, was too clearsighted yet too short sighted;SEMI-COLON(DU post said it was declared dead) and determined to retain the terrible engine of her power, which makes her a caste, w/a gulf between her ministers and the rest of humanity.
cept alter boys i guess.
CELESTINE- 5 popes.
Cel I-a roman. 431? persecuted the pelagians. sent palladius, a greek to scotland and st. patrick to ireland. raged against novatians in rome. pope 8 yrs, 5 months, 3 days. died 432.
CEL II- 1143 pope only 5 mon,13 days. died 1144.
Cel III- Giancinto Bobone Orsini 1191 pope 6 y, 9m, 9 d. about 90 when elected. crowned Emperor Henry VI and excommunicated him for holding Richard of england prisoner.
Cel IV- Godfrey Catiglioni of milan, nephew of Urban III. elected by 7 cardinals during troubles of the emp frederick II on 1241. 17 days.
Cel V- Peterdi morone b. 1215. son of a peasant. 1st monk. hermitish. 1294 elected, but didn't want to leave his cavern, but forced to go by cardinals and kings of naples and hungary. 2 decrees. 1 gregoryX orders of shutting cardinals in conclave and 2-that popes have the right to abdicate and after 5 m, 8 days proceeded to do that. his successor pontiface VIII sent for CV, then imprisoned him and after 9m, died.
CELEBACY- blah blah blah, but at the end. "the church understood too well what-(council of trent) was around her, and too little what was ahead of her, was too clearsighted yet too short sighted;SEMI-COLON(DU post said it was declared dead) and determined to retain the terrible engine of her power, which makes her a caste, w/a gulf between her ministers and the rest of humanity.
cept alter boys i guess.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

got this at a rummage sale on the way home from art school. got my 1st printing block there too. i KNOW it's an asian 'bi', but still don't know what a 'bi' is. it's a big one. repaired, but what can you say for $1. i rather like the stains.
2 today. late for today's, so missed all the coral and shells and such. dude was a major rare shell dealer i guess, listing mentioned stuffed birds, but missed them too. icky 50's ranch. very mod basement with much shell 'daycore'. but, got old poker set. $$$. at least pay for my $3 bag. keep the green glass vase. quite unusual. narrow and tall. more retirement in that piece.
so next one not open yet! OH NOES. but good cause about 5 minutes before open people came out of the bushes it seemed. i needed to sign in and was waiting there. little late 20's bungalowish. very nice stained glass windows. oy, much stuff inside. much stuff i don't have any interest in. BOOKS. older books. some to try to ebay. will keep the 1800's french revolution book. try reading it eventually. so much to read! forgot my camera. luckily the interior did not really match the outside. but would have loved to post pics from 1st basement.
how much did that lady pay for that icky vinyl doll???
2 today. late for today's, so missed all the coral and shells and such. dude was a major rare shell dealer i guess, listing mentioned stuffed birds, but missed them too. icky 50's ranch. very mod basement with much shell 'daycore'. but, got old poker set. $$$. at least pay for my $3 bag. keep the green glass vase. quite unusual. narrow and tall. more retirement in that piece.
so next one not open yet! OH NOES. but good cause about 5 minutes before open people came out of the bushes it seemed. i needed to sign in and was waiting there. little late 20's bungalowish. very nice stained glass windows. oy, much stuff inside. much stuff i don't have any interest in. BOOKS. older books. some to try to ebay. will keep the 1800's french revolution book. try reading it eventually. so much to read! forgot my camera. luckily the interior did not really match the outside. but would have loved to post pics from 1st basement.
how much did that lady pay for that icky vinyl doll???
from Worst. President. Ever.
"Georgie Dubya didn't go!
Dickie Cheney didn't go!
Hell, no! Hell, no!
(Clap! Clap Clap! Clap!))
"Mittsy Romney didn't go
Giuliani didn't go
Hell, no! Hell, no!
(Clap! Clap Clap! Clap!)
"Bill O'Reilly didn't go
Rushie Limbaugh didn't go
Hell, no! Hell, no!
(Clap! Clap Clap! Clap!)
"Annie Coulter didn't go
Jonah Goldberg didn't go
Hell, no! Hell, no!
(Clap! Clap Clap! Clap!)
"Because the wingnuts all are chickens
The hawk routine is just an act
And they hate it like the dickens
When you remind them of that fact!
"Ronnie Reagan didn't go
Johnny Wayne he didn't go
Hell, no! Hell, no!
(Clap! Clap Clap! Clap!)
from Worst. President. Ever.
"Georgie Dubya didn't go!
Dickie Cheney didn't go!
Hell, no! Hell, no!
(Clap! Clap Clap! Clap!))
"Mittsy Romney didn't go
Giuliani didn't go
Hell, no! Hell, no!
(Clap! Clap Clap! Clap!)
"Bill O'Reilly didn't go
Rushie Limbaugh didn't go
Hell, no! Hell, no!
(Clap! Clap Clap! Clap!)
"Annie Coulter didn't go
Jonah Goldberg didn't go
Hell, no! Hell, no!
(Clap! Clap Clap! Clap!)
"Because the wingnuts all are chickens
The hawk routine is just an act
And they hate it like the dickens
When you remind them of that fact!
"Ronnie Reagan didn't go
Johnny Wayne he didn't go
Hell, no! Hell, no!
(Clap! Clap Clap! Clap!)
that mystery bird might be a blackcapped vireo. if it is, it's a tad to east. how do i make a bird alert? not that it stayed.
that mystery bird might be a blackcapped vireo. if it is, it's a tad to east. how do i make a bird alert? not that it stayed.

no idea why, but i goes and googled pansypoo aparantly this color arrangement IS pansypoo.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

been awhile. i got this little art piece eons ago. it was very hard deciding. now i know how people feel with my roadkill.

so tempted. it has a cat and a mousie. but i was strong. rather find one myself.
i happened to catch a different bird. BUT NOT IN MY BOOK DAMMIT. size of a chickadee, but no black neck. starkly white chest. i wanna know what it was! was very quick on the pussy tree. flitting about. it was so cool.
i happened to catch a different bird. BUT NOT IN MY BOOK DAMMIT. size of a chickadee, but no black neck. starkly white chest. i wanna know what it was! was very quick on the pussy tree. flitting about. it was so cool.