Saturday, May 21, 2011

I don’t think you could possibly discover a finer example of this pocket match safe. It’ll be an upgrade for any collection. There isn’t even any surface wear at the magic spot where you must push to make it pop open.
Patented 1895-96, it was given to loyal customers of B. F. Horkheimer & Company, located at 40 12th Street in Wheeling, West Virginia. I believe that was at the corner of 12th and Market.
The H. B. H. & C0., New York patent number is clearly seen inside the lid. That would make the date 1895 or 1896.
Pushing in on the bottom of that one side causes the top of that side to “lever out” just enough to release the latch. POP!
Psst! Know anyone in Wheeling who deserves a wonderful gift? Surely someone in Wheeling is deserving.

ESSEX, ROBERT DEVEREUX, 2ND earl of(1567-1601)- son of the 1st earl, entered cambridge 1577, graduated 1581, appeared in court 1584. 1585, w/ earl of leicester on expedition to holland + distinguished himself at battle of zutphen. 1587 appointed master of the horse + 88 general of the horse, + installed knight of the garter. on death of leicester, he succeeded him as chief favorite of the queen, a position w/ injuriously affected the rest of his life + ultimate ruin. QE1 almost 60, essex 21, though aware of his advantage, + somewhat vain of the q's favor, his constant attendance on her court was irksome to him beyond all endurance + when he could not escape for foreign adventures, he varied the monotony of his life by intrgues w/ maids of honor. 1589 w/out QEI's assent, he joined the expedition of drake + norreys against portugal, but made to return, soon after a duel w/ rival favorite in w/ earl disarmed + wounded. 1590 married the widow of sir philip sidney, but dread of QE1's anger, kept it secret. when it was necessary to admit it, her anger knew no bounds, but he bore it well + " for her majesty's better satisfaction was pleased that my lady should live retired in her mother's house" + back in QE's favor. 1591 appointed command against the spaniards, recalled 1592, some years at court. 1596, after a great many 'changes of humor' o the Q's part, appt w/ lord charles howard to command an expedition to defeat the Spanish fleet + pillage cadiz. 53 merchant ships destroyed. shortly after Q's feelings change. on his return she chided him that he had not followed up on his successes + happy he returned safely + satisfied that the quick end to the expedition she forbade him to publish anything. QE offended by his tendency to assert independence + his popularity + the people blah blah sir francis bacon, hisfriend endevored to prevent a rupture. 1597 appt master of ordinance + 98 another exped. against spain. not as successful + on return went to his home. QE not pleased blah blah she slapped him + he left, swering blah. 1599 under house arrest. a little crazy. a trial. condemned. executed. he was tall, well proportioned, not handsome, but amiable + comely. learned w/ abilities, but want of prudence + vain.

Within most any industry you can imagine, the people had to rise up and band together lest the earnings from their labors bubble up into the hands of the greedy few. It worked for many years – we developed a middle class. Today, of course, those greedy few, with the help of the easily swayed, have managed to undercut and overpower working people once again. So here we are, living in a country with a de facto class system. What’s the Matter with Kansas? (Psst! That’s the title of a “must read” book, even though matters have been amplified and methods have been perfected since it was published in 2004.)
Oops! That could have turned into a real tirade had I not found my meds in the nick of time. Let’s look at this nice old vesta case.
There is some wearing of the nickel in places, but nothing heartbreaking. See the logo of “International Protective and Benevolent Association?”
That is the other side: Same graphic but with some staining; again, nothing heartbreaking. Note the darkened side where the celluloid has split.
In that image you can see the side with the split, and you can also see the maker’s name: The Coshocton Specialty Co. Coshocton, D.
You can also see I have some real beauties yet to be listed. I think they’re breeding at night.