Saturday, August 16, 2008

COLONNA, VITTORIA- 1490-1547. daughter of fabrisio Colonna, grand constable of the kingdom of naples + anna de montefletre, daughter of the 'good duke' frederick of urbino, b in marino. betrothed at 4 to francisco d'avalos, son of the marquise of descara. well educated, proved in early love letters. her hand was sought by duke of saoy + bragance, but at 17, she married avalos, who she desired. lived in ishia til 1511 when hubby aligned w/ the holy league + taken to ravenna + then to france. during these months of exile + campaigning, they corresponded in most passionate terms in prose + verse. seldom saw each other, but thru charles v, 1525 kept him from joining league against emperor Charles V, + refuse the crown of naples, used to induce him. but this year he died. stayed in naples 10 years, refusing many suiters + began Rime Spirituali. in 1536 left N for ferrara as Ch V on the way + in 1538 to abode. in rome won esteem of reginald Pole + cardoinal contarini, started a passionate friendship w/ michaelangelo who was 64. wrote her sonnets + drawings. her removal to ovieto from rome on her bro's revolt against paul III + lived in viterbo 1541-1545 where pole govenor. returned to rome in 46 + died in 47.

from one of my favorite sales cause it had so much stuff so cheap. not sure what it is. for candles? eh. ethnic. i like it. and it's a boy!
The word "squirrel" derives from the Greek words "skia", which means "shadow", and "oura", which means "tail". The Greeks understood "squirrel" to mean "a creature that sits in the shadow of its tail."
Money is like muck, not good except it be spread.
Francis Bacon-Of Seditions and Troubles.
there's 2 more pages of bacon. but not all worthy. many not.
Money is like muck, not good except it be spread.
Francis Bacon-Of Seditions and Troubles.
there's 2 more pages of bacon. but not all worthy. many not.

i think this is the only pansy done while i worked at schlitz. i can't remember another, or it was much plainer than this tour dee force. pretty sure i built this one. i made this! ok. didn't cut it. but i actuall 'made it'. i miss the job.
Friday, August 15, 2008
> Due to recent budget cuts, economic down-turn and the upward
> spiraling cost of gas and energy, the light at the end of the tunnel
> has been turned off.
> We apologize for the inconvenience.
> Due to recent budget cuts, economic down-turn and the upward
> spiraling cost of gas and energy, the light at the end of the tunnel
> has been turned off.
> We apologize for the inconvenience.

COLLINS, WILLIAM- 1787-1847. painter. son of irish picture dealer + man of letters. a good colorist + excellent draughtsman, early work dificient, feeble from excess of care + finish. father of wilkie collins. wilkie too current!
COMUMBIA- nine states. most of the territory of spanish "new grenada'. blah blah. history- the coast, one of 1st parts of the american continent explored. alonzo de ojeda landed twice. 1499 + 1501. columbus visited veragua, portobello + other places in 1502. in 1508 ojeda obtained a grant from the spanish crown for the district from cape veda to the gulf of darien + the rest of the country iguessa. called nueva Andalucia + castella de ora + these united in 1514 into terra-firma under pedro arias de avila by mid 1500's spanish power established + flourishing. erected a presidency of new grenada til 1718 when raised to viceroyty. in 1719 the 2nd viceroy, count de la cueva, the maintenance was too much for the settlers, it went back to presidency. in 1740, back to viceroy + new grenada had part of venezuela + ecuador too.
insurrection in 1811 + war waged til 1824. in 1819, the great national hero, bolivar effected a union between 3 divisions, + columbia born. 1829. venezuela withdrew in 1830. quito/equador did too. blah blah civil war til 1841, much mess as today.

not sure if this is a pepper grinder or you use it to dry you ink when you wrote a letter with a quill. pretty is enough.
Squirrels can be considered pre-historic animals. The oldest known fossilized squirrel skeleton is over fifty million years old.
Squirrels can be considered pre-historic animals. The oldest known fossilized squirrel skeleton is over fifty million years old.
random benham quote post
It is not the lie that passeth through the mind, but the lie that sinith in, ad settleth in it, that doth the hurt.
Francis Bacon. Essays 1612.
It is not the lie that passeth through the mind, but the lie that sinith in, ad settleth in it, that doth the hurt.
Francis Bacon. Essays 1612.

West Virginia Green. in the 90's i did a very crappy art show and visited my cousin Charlottesvilles, VA. i stopped on the way in WV and the side of the highway was this. one of my favorites.
Thursday, August 14, 2008

WAWAtosa HIGHLANDS! again! not on washington circle. one house down. BUT brass plaque. on a registry. ok. kinda traditional on the outside. met to poofs on the way out. rolled their eyes. why people need designers. hmm, i don't but...forshadowing!
ok. i see tacky 80's from the doorway. walk in to hall. leaded glass looks strange(asianish i guess or as i say, japped up). OH LORDY. SHINY GOLD EVERYWHERE. staircase JAPPED up. oh lordy. rusty pink wall to wall. go toalou diningroom. MUY tacky japped up. crap galore. hmm, not bad laughing budha(or is it confuscious?. interesting old travel clock. works. germany. pre-WW2 find out the price($2). blegh. kitchen redone in late 70's 80s. basement nothing. back upstairs. more gold wallpaper. lordy, did those faux jap screens around the stained glass window. upstairs as tacky. go to livingroom. oy vey. plastc 'shell' covering hopefully the fireplace and mantle. more japped up. OH LORDY. the window valances + curtains.
the house has already been sold. regrets the painted woodwork and the staircase. but it will be un-japped.
if this had been the work of a proffesional dinterior decorator in the 80's, i hope they have retired.