Saturday, June 11, 2011

Rare 1917 HAMMOND’S MODERN ATLAS of the WORLD ~ Maps-$29
This 1917 atlas is anything but common.
The complete title of the volume is: Hammond’s Modern Atlas of the World: A New Series of Physical, Political and Historical Maps Compiled from Government Surveys and Exhibiting the Latest Results of Geographical Research Accompanied by a Gazetteer of the Principal Towns of the World.
Friday, June 10, 2011

You’re about to see a full, original case of six NEHI seltzer bottles. They remain just as I found them; dust and all.
The case isn’t absolutely perfect, and there a few small bites on some of the bottles, but overall, it is a rare find indeed in amazing condition.
The bottles have various forms of etching and embossing, but don’t worry your little head about it: I’m going to show you lots of pictures.
I saw the case from across the room, and thought; “How nice. An old Nehi case.”
Then I walked over to it, and my heart-rate jumped; not quite to “stroke rate,” but it certainly was enough to give pause to an old poop like me.
Each bottle is 10 ½” tall and weighs 3 lbs. 3 oz.. The case is 15 ½” by 9 ½” by 13” tall, and it weighs just over 8 ½ lbs. Total weight, not counting expert packing with great padding and other materials = approximately 28 lbs. (12.7 kg).
As you likely noted from the previous image, a section of one board (on the back ;>) has turned up missing. See though “Rockford, ILL?”
#1 has a few rubbed chips at the point atop 3 of he panels. They are NOT detracting.
#2 from Clinton, Iowa, is about the same – nothing heartbreaking by any means.
#3 another form of the Rockford, Illinois etching is also about the same but with small, rubs and surface chips on about seven of the ten panel points. I hope I’m turning you off by the picky descriptions of condition, but I want everything right here up front.
TruZ-Me-On-This’n: Any collector or interior designer with a love of primary colors and intriguing form would be thrilled.
#4 has those same types of rubbed surface losses at the same points. Even these are nothing heartbreaking.
#5 is one of the two with only the vertical etching: “NEHI BOTTLING CO.” It is in excellent condition.
Please note the missing slat portions on the bottom. It’ll be secure when it leaves my little dirt farm. I’ll see to that.
The other vertically etched bottle is also in great condition. It also says: “NEHI BOTTLING CO,” but beneath that is “ROCKFORD, ILL.”
You may have noticed I don’t speak ‘bottle collector,’ but I try to be accurate. Expect a few minor flaws not noted by my untrained (and old) eye.
Even a collector of Americana or primitives would love this piece, but I picture it in a giant, airy, sunlit loft sitting there as what it actually is: Art in the form of Industrial Design.