Saturday, July 23, 2011

God Urges Rick Perry Not To Run For President
AUSTIN, TX—Describing Texas Gov. Rick Perry as grossly unqualified for the position, God, the Creator and Ruler of the Universe, urged Perry not to run for president of the United States Wednesday. “I prayed last night and asked the Lord to support my candidacy, and He said no,” Perry told reporters outside the Texas Capitol, explaining that God had cited the governor’s rejection of federal stimulus funds to expand state jobless benefits, his irresponsible speculation about Texas seceding from the union, and his overall lack of concrete solutions to the nation’s problems as reasons why He could not endorse a Perry presidential bid. “I believe God made some valid points about my lack of credentials, and He’s absolutely right. My extreme beliefs when it comes to social issues and states’ rights are not only disturbingly narrow-minded, but would also make me a horrible president.” When reached for comment, God said He would not be present at Perry’s much-talked-about Christian day of prayer on Aug. 6, calling the governor’s use of his public office to endorse a religion both “irresponsible” and a violation of the Constitution.

EUDOCIA AUGUSTA- of macrembolis-2nd 1/2 of the 11th c. wife of emperor constantine XI + after his death, romanus IV. swore she wouldn't marry again as C was dying + had even imprisoned R + exiled who she thought was aspiring to the trone, but perceiving that she was not able to avert invasions on the east + married R + they expulsed the invaders. not happy w/ R, who was warlike + self-willed + when the turks captured him, she vacated the throne for her son michael + went to a convent + died old. she compiled a dictionary of mythology. pub 1781.
EUXOXYS- a physical philosopher, mid 4th c b.c.. astronomer. introduced the egyptian sphere to greece + the length of a year. d at 53. referred to by ancient writers. stabo says he discovered the leap day + vitruvius, the solar dial.
EUDOXUS of cyzicus. a greek navigator about 130 b.c.. employed by ptolemy euergetes on voyage to india. after 2 trips he circumnavigated africa from the red sea to gades. an attempt to make the return trip unsuccessful.
EUGENE, FRANCOIS(1663-1736)- prince eugene of savoy. one of the greatest generals of his time. b paris. 5th son of eugene maurice, count of soissons, who was grandson of the duke of savoy, charles emmanuel I + olympia manani, niece of cardinal mazarin. orig destined to the church, known at court as petit abbe, but had a strong predilection for the army. his mother had fallen into disgrace at court + his application for a commission repeatedly refused by the king Louis XIV, probably prompted by the minister louvois, which engendered in him a life-long resentment against the king + country, he quit france for vienna, where emperor leopold, who was allied to his family, received him kindly + granted him permission + several other frenchies of distiction, to serve against the turks for austria. his 1st campaign was 1683 in which he so distinguished himself that the emp gave him command of a regiment of dragoons. after several more campaigns, he became major-general; in this capacity he served at the siege of belgrade in 1688. at the instigation of louvois a drecree of banishment from france now issued all frenchies who were serving in foreign armies. 'i shall return into france in spite of him'. eugene said, when he heard the news + he continued his brilliant career. his ambition stimulated in hopes of invading france.
e's next employment was in a diplomatic/military one. he was sent to italy w/ a view to bind the duke of savoy to the coalition against france, + of cooperating w/ the italian + Spanish troops. the 1st engagement w/ catinat resulted in the defeat of the coalition, but in spring 1691 P E having secured reinforcements caused the siege of coni(?) to be raised, took possession carmgnole, + defeated catinat. followed success w/ ? dauphine, where he took possession of embrau + gap. blah blah blah war dropped p e back to vienna + soon after received command of the army in hungary.
around this time louis XIV secretly offered him the baton of a marshal of france, w/ the government of champagne w/ his father had held, + a pension of 2,000 pistoles, but p e rejected it w/ indignation, + continued to fight the turks under sultan kara-mustapha. after some marches + skillful moves, he surprized the army sept 11, 1697, at zentha in a camp retrenched en tete de pont, + after an attack vigerous + daring, killing20k of them + drove 10k into the river, made prisoners of the rest + took their artillery + stuff. one of the most complete victories by austria. p e then went back to hungary blah blah treaty of peace 1699.p e next opp of distinguishing himeldf in war of the spanish succession 1701, he was sent to italy again to oppose catinat. he achieved rapid success forcing the french army to retreat behind oglio whereforced catinat to recall in disgrace. the duke of villeroi, an unexperienced general who succeeded to the command attacked p e atchiari, a well defended position, + suffered great loss blah blah. p e penetrated + captured villeroi, but replaced by 'a grant' + both armies-cold war. blah blah bavaria, gen marlborough fast friends blah blah troops, but bad stategy + smarter fighting france. p e won blah blah in heat of battle, p e wounded + thrown from his horse into a ditch. blah blah dutch blah blah sent to berlin, on death of joseph I in 1711 in concert w/ the empress endeavored for the crown to charles VI blah blah queen anne. went to london. back to low countries turks siege of belgrade. outnumbered 1-6. had to be bold. on morning 9/16/1717, ordered general attack + total defeat + enormous loss to enemy. p e wounded 13th, but much reward on return, peace treaty, blah blah now 71, retired to vienna + died after peace 1735. died 1736 + niece inherits his massive wealth. unmarried. mars w/ no venus. no military learning, it was more gut inspiration. he was middle sized, + black eyes.

Antique POCKET MATCH SAFE Tailor, LION, Indian, ARTIST-$51
I’d be shocked if a finer example of this Vesta Case / pocket match safe exists. It is crisp and clean with no dents, dings or other issues. It features one of the most complex graphics ever seen.
t measures 2 ½” by 1 ¾” by 3/8” deep, but yet the designer managed to include images of about a squillion objects and people. The foreground is dominated by the seal and motto of The International Tailoring Company – The “KING OF TAILORS” with a big male lion playing off that “King of the Jungle” thing. I can relate to that having fought my way through Garment District in New York on more than one occasion. It IS a jungle.
Close examination reveals even more. There is an encampment of teepees in the background about the Native American in full headdress and a quiver of arrows at his feet.
The figure on the right, an artist with breasts, seems to signify progress. At her feet is a big, toothy gear and a spade. Above in the background in a locomotive.
The innermost ring of the seal contains the company motto: “The Finer They’re Made – The Larger the Trade.” (I like that idea SO much more than the unspoken mantra of today’s manufacturing concerns: “The More They’re Hyped – The More They’re Sniped.”)
The hinges work as well as they did when in was new back around 1904. (I forgot to point out the patent date seen on the inside, so you can go back and look if it means that much to you.)

I’ve always thought these fine old Vesta cases would make perfect gifts even to people who know nothing about them. What advertising executive wouldn’t get a real kick out of the degree to which advertising has changed over the last century?