Saturday, July 05, 2008

RANDOM POLITICS POST-georgee's July 4th speechage
his sppech writer's gave him an EDITED quote of Thomas Jefferson's
bush said-"May it be to the world, what I believe it will be -- to some parts sooner, to others later, but finally to all -- the Signal of arousing men to burst the chains, and to assume the blessings and security of self-government."
JEFFERSON said-May it be to the world, what I believe it will be, (to some parts sooner, to others later, but finally to all,) the signal of arousing men to burst the chains under which monkish ignorance and superstition had persuaded them to bind themselves, and to assume the blessings and security of self-government.
i'm assuming they not dare to use ignorance in a speech as it will highlight georgee's ignorancy.
caught by DUer Ichingcarpenter.
not a rant
so, cuteoverload had a link to a swedish zoo so you could watch a LIVE cam of a mother lion and her 4 cubs. so i kept on watching. the cubs aren't so wobbly and the mother will grab the cubs and wash them and they ain't escaping mommy. so, today the TOP link of many vido links IS.....Bush heckling at motecello and under the link it says F*** you!
so, cuteoverload had a link to a swedish zoo so you could watch a LIVE cam of a mother lion and her 4 cubs. so i kept on watching. the cubs aren't so wobbly and the mother will grab the cubs and wash them and they ain't escaping mommy. so, today the TOP link of many vido links IS.....Bush heckling at motecello and under the link it says F*** you!
yes. i had a very boring 4th.

the tulip. i cut the top border and the dirt. probably built it and soldered it as well. a very nice tulip.
Friday, July 04, 2008

CHOUANS- a bas-breton word signifying screech olws. name applied to the royalist insurgents in west of france, during the revolution, for the cry they used when approaching their nocturnal rendevous: but also derived from a nickname applied to their leader, jean Cottereau, originally a contrband maker of salt, C had been seized in a scuffle w/ govt. officers + condemned to death. but mother's pleas got him a pardon from L XVI + and he never forgot it, became a soldier, deserted, imprisoned, on his release, settled on a law profession + joined national guard. on begging of reerand, he gathered a band of royalist peasantry w/whom went with him to the wood of Misdon, where they lived in huts + caves. ferom lower Maine, the insurrection spread to brittany + thru the west of france. in 1793, C distinguished himself by his bravery + military ability. But after defeats at le mans + savenoy, he retreated back to misdon + guerilla warfare. misfortunes + until treacherously ambushed + mortally wounded 1794. chousans ended in 1795.
CHRISTIANITY- p. 688-702. no read.
CHRISTINA- 1626-1689, queen of sweden. 2nd daughter of Gustavus Adolphus + Mary Eleanor of Brandenburg. disappoiinted in hopes of a male heir, father reared her in a virile fashion + left her on his departure for germany in 1630, in hands of Axel Orenstiern, famous chancellor + of Johannes Matthiae, his own almoner(?), who was to ground her in sciences + latin + greek. the battle of Lutzen put her on the throne-proclaimed Queen at 6, with no delays, but power in govt. hands of 5 chief dignitaries. placed under aunt catherine's care. she made rapid progress. at 10 dressed like a boy, would hunt + ride horses, instructed in state craft + art of govt. at 16, movements to make her regent, but she declined til 1644 when 18. started well. war w/ denmark + germany doing well, but she wanted peace. the next year a good treaty( for SW), but G still an issue. C compelled to form conspiracy against her ministers + the peace of westphalia. concluded in 1648 + 30 years war ended.
many offers of alliance. ruled well and ably. many suiters proposed, but fighting this, she named her cousin, charles gustavus her sauccessor + in 1650, took title of king.
became a cynical epicurian +her favorites took over + the state declined + she again ruled better, but she grew weary + in 1654 resigned and left sweden. traveled denmark + germany+settled in Brussels. for a year. innsbruck, to italy, france in 1660, charles gustavius died and she went back to SW + took back crown, but the swedes tired of her and she become catholic + she was compelled to resign + back to rome. left many MSS, which were collected + published.

not mine, but some random best i found cheap chinese painting found in folk art. i quit like this. except the cats faces. especially the eys. but do like the job this art student or whatever did. nice unfinishedness. i need more of that.
less anal finished.
i forgot to take some pics. forgot the watercolor in the front hall. more stuff in the basement. wonder when my uncle will finish those slide scans.
Thursday, July 03, 2008

i listed this yesterday. before i went to bed, it was $76 in 6 hours. this morning it is $113. NO BOX!!! 30 people are watching it. wow, i gotta do more treasure hunting in the basement. i bet the doll shit doesn't do as well. yes, there's GIRL stuff. did you know people collect old night lights. apparently grandma had a real good one. cause it had a blue shade.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
beforew i forgets. i saw a TALL 'short bog'. a small mutt, but predominantly Llasa apso. but it was quite tall. long legged. usually when a low dog tries to fuck to make their off spring taller, you get a low dog. this was a tall llasa apso! owner didn't know what the other parts were. i bet some poodle. either way. way cute. shoulda taken a pic. farts.
beforew i forgets. i saw a TALL 'short bog'. a small mutt, but predominantly Llasa apso. but it was quite tall. long legged. usually when a low dog tries to fuck to make their off spring taller, you get a low dog. this was a tall llasa apso! owner didn't know what the other parts were. i bet some poodle. either way. way cute. shoulda taken a pic. farts.
oops! and another deka down!!!!
29 -1?stupid Bush weeks to go
29 -1?stupid $%^# Bush weeks to go
more money for iWaq
FISA delayed til congress gets back
29 -1? stupid unconstitutional Bush weeks to go
29 -1?stupid $%^# Bush weeks to go
more money for iWaq
FISA delayed til congress gets back
29 -1? stupid unconstitutional Bush weeks to go
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
this just sold for $709.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the hell???? must be a reason.
a lure. 1 lure.
because of ruby, i had to watch my potty mouth, so when i hurted myself, i said farts instead of fuck. and my mom has a caniption. not in front of ruby! no way is FART a bad word, i will check with sarah and ask if verbotten.
sarah is havin a hard time with HER language, but said ruby didn't know fart. she calls them BURPS!!!
too funny.
sarah is havin a hard time with HER language, but said ruby didn't know fart. she calls them BURPS!!!
too funny.
OH NOES!!!11!!!

this sign was on the way between spring green and madison. wanted photo and i got it. more pics as soon as 'photoshoped'.
sping green

well, i counted it up and even tho i missed about 3 hours, i almost made as much as last year. and i don't think i sold that many items. the cheap framed 1/2 size did well. 4 for $80. in this econ, $25 a bit much to ask.
Monday, June 30, 2008
after that flooding rain we got, a section of our interstate was closed. then only east bound, the built a passover to the eastbound and back past the flooded part. the water is still high and lots of standing water. but not as bad as iowa got it.
after that flooding rain we got, a section of our interstate was closed. then only east bound, the built a passover to the eastbound and back past the flooded part. the water is still high and lots of standing water. but not as bad as iowa got it.

this is the artist i wan't to find. last year i got the brocolli eatin giraffes, sweet kitty, the zebras and some i can't find on his website. so, i will scan them. the others i got at this years fair. and i wanted more!
google his name and you hit his website and his youtube movies. carving a mouse i love. uses the BEST they might be giants tune.