Saturday, December 15, 2012
FRANCE......the annals of france now tranquil, under the cold guizot; party spirit died down; the "pritchard affair", arising out of the OCCUPATION by france of the otaheite, by the treaty . in 1842 aroused the slumbering irritation between france + england. the englich govt had not objected to treaty between queen pomare of otaheite + the french govt; mr ppritchard, however, consul, missionary, + medical man to the queen, beieving that the treaty was bad for the natives, had persuaded queen pomare to repudiate it + to call on england'a support. thereon in 1844 the french arrested him + sent him back to england + OCCUPIED the land as "protector". the success of french arms in africa also angered the english; marshal bugeaud had vigorously attacked + punished the emperor of morocco for helping + refuge to abd-el-kieder(sp), + the emp had to sue for peace 9/1846. in 1847 lamboriciere succeeded in capturing thw picturesqu chieftan who had caused france so much trouble, + sent him o french prison. lastly, the vexed question of the spanish marriages, in 1846, in which louis philippe succeeded in re-allying th BOURBONS of france + spain by a double marriage, caused a strong feeling in england; it was felt that guizot had broken his word + that france was taking unfair means of avenge for the quad alliance of 1840.
so things stood when 1847 opened w/ gloomy aspects for france; irritation, wasn't the feeling the goct wanted. had done little to lessen the commercial + aricultural distress; the decree of a more popular + perhaps more brilliant rule; the distrust of guizot's policy, as shown in the risks of the spanish marriages, by which he endangered peace for the sake of illusory dynastic advantages; the consciousness that the king's feelings were not friendly to the people; that his govt WAS SELFISH, + that he did not hesitate to use CORRUPTION + influence in elections- these all made affairs unsettled + precarious. guizot's policy in te marriages, his support of swiss souderband, the resistance of reactionary against popular principles in switzerland, his appeals to the treaties of 1815, his friendliness towards metternich + austria. his divergence from the liberal views of lord palmerston, his dislike of the patriots of italy, shocked + alienated liberal france, + made the minister completely unpopular. the role of prudence at home + peace abroad; never heroic(war mongers, wheeee) had been abandoned by guizot for a system that endangeredpeace w/ neighbors + irritated the passions in france. trickery + subterfuge in high places too.
(yellow or orange?)
FRANCE......the annals of france now tranquil, under the cold guizot; party spirit died down; the "pritchard affair", arising out of the OCCUPATION by france of the otaheite, by the treaty . in 1842 aroused the slumbering irritation between france + england. the englich govt had not objected to treaty between queen pomare of otaheite + the french govt; mr ppritchard, however, consul, missionary, + medical man to the queen, beieving that the treaty was bad for the natives, had persuaded queen pomare to repudiate it + to call on england'a support. thereon in 1844 the french arrested him + sent him back to england + OCCUPIED the land as "protector". the success of french arms in africa also angered the english; marshal bugeaud had vigorously attacked + punished the emperor of morocco for helping + refuge to abd-el-kieder(sp), + the emp had to sue for peace 9/1846. in 1847 lamboriciere succeeded in capturing thw picturesqu chieftan who had caused france so much trouble, + sent him o french prison. lastly, the vexed question of the spanish marriages, in 1846, in which louis philippe succeeded in re-allying th BOURBONS of france + spain by a double marriage, caused a strong feeling in england; it was felt that guizot had broken his word + that france was taking unfair means of avenge for the quad alliance of 1840.
so things stood when 1847 opened w/ gloomy aspects for france; irritation, wasn't the feeling the goct wanted. had done little to lessen the commercial + aricultural distress; the decree of a more popular + perhaps more brilliant rule; the distrust of guizot's policy, as shown in the risks of the spanish marriages, by which he endangered peace for the sake of illusory dynastic advantages; the consciousness that the king's feelings were not friendly to the people; that his govt WAS SELFISH, + that he did not hesitate to use CORRUPTION + influence in elections- these all made affairs unsettled + precarious. guizot's policy in te marriages, his support of swiss souderband, the resistance of reactionary against popular principles in switzerland, his appeals to the treaties of 1815, his friendliness towards metternich + austria. his divergence from the liberal views of lord palmerston, his dislike of the patriots of italy, shocked + alienated liberal france, + made the minister completely unpopular. the role of prudence at home + peace abroad; never heroic(war mongers, wheeee) had been abandoned by guizot for a system that endangeredpeace w/ neighbors + irritated the passions in france. trickery + subterfuge in high places too.
(yellow or orange?)
Friday, December 14, 2012
The best way to describe this streamlined conveyance is to repeat what some little boy most likely said the day he took his new scooter over to show it off to his very best friend: “She’s a beauty, ain’t she?”
You will find only one very small dent (not creased, just a dimple), and it is at the spot you would expect, on the leading edge of the front “fender.” The surface appears to be a very old repaint, but the bright red with some pin striping is visible here and there. It is an ideal candidate for a total restoration, and frankly, I think that is what you should do.
It is 44 ½” long and 31 ½” (113 cm × 80 cm) tall to the top of the original turned wooden handles. It weighs 19 pounds (8.62 kg).
Oops! I almost forgot to tell you what my friend said that I’m almost certain saved my life. Hang on a second while I tell you about my “prime directives.” I’ve remembered, and I’ll bring it up immediately afterwards.
I was with this friend of mine the first time I laid my hands on this scooter. I was eager to look it over carefully, especially since it is only the second one I’ve ever seen in person. The first one belonged to an old dude who had owned his as a child. It was still in the attic of his home down in East Tennessee. Man, what an oddball that guy was. He was as odd as his name, which was Randall Pilcrow De Seine III, but everyone called him “Puppy-Cup.” One of his annoying idiosyncrasies was his tendency to be just a wee bit behind in everything he did.
When we were to meet for lunch, he was always late; not enough to be mad about, but just enough to be annoying. When the light turned green, he’d always pause before accelerating, but not long enough for the car behind to honk his horn – just long enough to annoy an observant passenger. We’d been on a trip together for a day, and I couldn’t resist bringing up the subject. “Pilcrow,” I said, “you are living an indented life. Do you realize that?” He chuckled. “Because of my own," he replied, "I’ve been a student of given names for years, and I know exactly what you mean.”
Anyway – The first time I touched this scooter I put my hands on the handlebars where the darkened patina testifies that some little boy’s hands have grabbed it in the same way over a long period of time. As I stood beside it, looking down on its streamlined shape from above, I lifted my right leg and placed my foot on the non-slip rubber mat. That’s when my friend saved my life. He was only a couple feet away, so I heard him clearly when he spoke those four words, almost under his breath, “I wouldn’t do that.”
As one ages, dying becomes much easier, and here is one path to that ultimate end: Attempt something you likely can’t do at your age - fall – break hip – catch the pneumonia and die of complications ¶, , , alone ¶, , , in agony ¶, , , on a dreary day ¶, , , just when things were starting to break your way.