Saturday, July 07, 2012
i got this at an estate sale. full of old stuff. OH YEAH. i gotta get a pic of the saw i found. no idea what it was. comes apart? WTF is this. then i saw some identified ceramic ones. hair receivers. i guess so you could do stuff w/ the hair. this is an investment piece. i should get a nice bit of ebay $ for it.
antique GLASS & BRASS crystal ball DOORKNOBS, fancy plates + lock set-$110
OH MY! + i didn't have a camera. so, a bird was just sitting on the sidewalk. i believe it his a widow + was recovering or something, later, gotta open the kitc hen window + i notice birds + flapping by the garage door. then i see a chippie has the said bitd by the neck, still alive + chippie ain't letting go. the other sparrows fly away + then the chippie drags the flapping bird down the crack between the garage + the concrete step. glad it was a garbage illegal immigrant bird.
OH MY! + i didn't have a camera. so, a bird was just sitting on the sidewalk. i believe it his a widow + was recovering or something, later, gotta open the kitc hen window + i notice birds + flapping by the garage door. then i see a chippie has the said bitd by the neck, still alive + chippie ain't letting go. the other sparrows fly away + then the chippie drags the flapping bird down the crack between the garage + the concrete step. glad it was a garbage illegal immigrant bird.
Friday, July 06, 2012
RANDOM ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA set to organize regular army of 15 companies of 1 hundres lances(each lance 6 fighting men), led by 15 captains appt by the king + raised in dif districts of FR. this army partly absorbed, partly crushed the FREE-lances + became a powerful police, which restored security + made good govt possible(afghanistan?). around himself. CH VII placed sturdy, + faithful men, the scottish guard; under john stewart d'ambia. they served ch VII well, + at the end of his troubles were placed as a colony at st. martin d' auxigny, near bourges, where their descendants still live in enjoyment of special village advantages, preserved over time. this army, w/ nobles + contingents which was also reduced to order + made to receive pay, raised the monarchy, + had CH VII been more ambitious he might have begun to play the part reserved for his son, the dauphin, discontented again. was obliged to go back to dauphiny, where he governed prudently + w/ activity.
in 1449 the last scene of the anglo-french war began. english adventurers landed in breton, the duke called CH VII for aid. CH VII did not delay, broke truce w/ english sent dunois into normandy, + he soon followed. in normandy + brittany, french welcomed w/ delight; no love for england lingered. somerset + talbot failed to defend rouen + driven point to point, til every stronghold lost. dunois then went into guienne, + bayonne, the last english stronghold fell 1451, when talbot was sent over to bordeaux w/ 5 men to recover the south, the old english feeling revived, -for england was their best customer, + little in common w/ FR. it was a last flickering. 7/1453, at siege of castillion, old talbot killed, + the war aagain ended; the south france's normandy + guienne assimilated to FR in taxation + army organization + all that remained to england across the channel was calais w/ havre + guines castle. foreign ambitions over, england left w/ own civil stife + FR to rest + recover its retched state. from loire to the somme, the fertile plane now a desert of wolves, robbers, + free-lance: the peasant, despairing, got in a weapon ≠ took to the roads; the danse macabre, death mysteries + moralities; froissart gone, + commines not yet come; the duke of orleans, so long a prisoner in england, is the 1 true poet of the time; the 'good king rene' is but in his earlier days, + gave up to poetry; within the walls of a few towns rose splendid examples of domestic architecture; the house of jacques cœur, merchant of bourges. renaissance finds little sympathy in france in these dark days.
end of english wars, rebirth; the people became more tranquil; finding tht toil, + thrift bore fruit. CH VII did his duty + took part in restoring quiet, order, + justice again. then came the arts. of peace. poetry, song, music, olivier basselin, jean de houx(quincy jones), villon, + alain chartier.
the french crown beat back the english, but rival dukes on the borders, philip of burgundy, theduke of brittney, the royal dukes of berri, bourbon, anjou all dangerous + difficult to the king. the conditions of the nobility all changed. the old barons insignificant, the "new men" the bastard dunois, constables du guesclin + clisson greatewr prominance. feudalism fading + a new order. blah blah. directly after the expulsion of england, troubles between CHVII + louis/dauphin. louis couldn't brook a quiet life in dauphiny, -the king returned him the larger sphere in normandy, which he coveted. against CH VII's will, louis married charlotte of savoy, daughter of his strongest neighbor in dauphiny; suspicioun + bad feelings between CH VII + louis; l was very afraid of his dad's councillors; the king afraid of his son's ambition + craftiness. open rupture + 1456 l fled to the court of philip of burgundy. there he lived in refuge, meddling in burgundian politics, alreaduy opposing himself to his great rival charles of caroais, afterwards charles the bold, the last duke of burgundy. bickerings under his bad influence. between the duke + the king, but no war. + things went until CH VII died in 1461 + reign of louis XI began. set to organize regular army of 15 companies of 1 hundres lances(each lance 6 fighting men), led by 15 captains appt by the king + raised in dif districts of FR. this army partly absorbed, partly crushed the FREE-lances + became a powerful police, which restored security + made good govt possible(afghanistan?). around himself. CH VII placed sturdy, + faithful men, the scottish guard; under john stewart d'ambia. they served ch VII well, + at the end of his troubles were placed as a colony at st. martin d' auxigny, near bourges, where their descendants still live in enjoyment of special village advantages, preserved over time. this army, w/ nobles + contingents which was also reduced to order + made to receive pay, raised the monarchy, + had CH VII been more ambitious he might have begun to play the part reserved for his son, the dauphin, discontented again. was obliged to go back to dauphiny, where he governed prudently + w/ activity.
in 1449 the last scene of the anglo-french war began. english adventurers landed in breton, the duke called CH VII for aid. CH VII did not delay, broke truce w/ english sent dunois into normandy, + he soon followed. in normandy + brittany, french welcomed w/ delight; no love for england lingered. somerset + talbot failed to defend rouen + driven point to point, til every stronghold lost. dunois then went into guienne, + bayonne, the last english stronghold fell 1451, when talbot was sent over to bordeaux w/ 5 men to recover the south, the old english feeling revived, -for england was their best customer, + little in common w/ FR. it was a last flickering. 7/1453, at siege of castillion, old talbot killed, + the war aagain ended; the south france's normandy + guienne assimilated to FR in taxation + army organization + all that remained to england across the channel was calais w/ havre + guines castle. foreign ambitions over, england left w/ own civil stife + FR to rest + recover its retched state. from loire to the somme, the fertile plane now a desert of wolves, robbers, + free-lance: the peasant, despairing, got in a weapon ≠ took to the roads; the danse macabre, death mysteries + moralities; froissart gone, + commines not yet come; the duke of orleans, so long a prisoner in england, is the 1 true poet of the time; the 'good king rene' is but in his earlier days, + gave up to poetry; within the walls of a few towns rose splendid examples of domestic architecture; the house of jacques cœur, merchant of bourges. renaissance finds little sympathy in france in these dark days.
end of english wars, rebirth; the people became more tranquil; finding tht toil, + thrift bore fruit. CH VII did his duty + took part in restoring quiet, order, + justice again. then came the arts. of peace. poetry, song, music, olivier basselin, jean de houx(quincy jones), villon, + alain chartier.
the french crown beat back the english, but rival dukes on the borders, philip of burgundy, theduke of brittney, the royal dukes of berri, bourbon, anjou all dangerous + difficult to the king. the conditions of the nobility all changed. the old barons insignificant, the "new men" the bastard dunois, constables du guesclin + clisson greatewr prominance. feudalism fading + a new order. blah blah. directly after the expulsion of england, troubles between CHVII + louis/dauphin. louis couldn't brook a quiet life in dauphiny, -the king returned him the larger sphere in normandy, which he coveted. against CH VII's will, louis married charlotte of savoy, daughter of his strongest neighbor in dauphiny; suspicioun + bad feelings between CH VII + louis; l was very afraid of his dad's councillors; the king afraid of his son's ambition + craftiness. open rupture + 1456 l fled to the court of philip of burgundy. there he lived in refuge, meddling in burgundian politics, alreaduy opposing himself to his great rival charles of caroais, afterwards charles the bold, the last duke of burgundy. bickerings under his bad influence. between the duke + the king, but no war. + things went until CH VII died in 1461 + reign of louis XI began.