Saturday, July 10, 2010

If you’re on the prowl for a petite utensil carrier for a little spot in your kitchen, you may want to turn the page and jump on to the next old poop selling carriers on eBay. This is a big one. Oh . . . It’s not huge, but let’s just say it is of ample proportions.
Personally, I love the stenciling even though I don’t know who or what Erwin Beyke was, and I don’t have a clue as to why he or it needed a repair crew. I have my suspicions, but I’m probably wrong. Since I once lived near Erwin, Tennessee, that’s what comes to mind.
If you don’t like the mysterious “Erwin Gang,” just turn that side toward the wall. You, me and maybe a couple of your dearest friends are the only ones who’ll ever know it’s back there.
It is 22 ¼” by 12” by 4 ½” when measured at the top edge. The bottom is 20 ¼” by 10”.
The original painted surface is intact, and if I hadn’t been so lazy I’d have cleaned it up a little. It’ll really come to life after a gentle bath and a little cleaner or wax.
It is both round and square nailed construction – mostly round, but the divider/handle is held in place from the bottom by mostly square nails.
Hold old is it? OK – I’ll take a stab at it. I’ll say it’s from right around 1890. When you get it in your own hands, you can make a guess. I think we’ll be pretty much in agreement.
When it comes to old carriers of this design, this one has one thing going for it that most do not. It has not grease or oil stains. It will, as I said earlier, clean up beautifully. You’ll love it.

interesting ad. said old leather cop jackets from differentlocales. movie stuff and candy machines etc. well, it was a movie buff. had 2 old big movie reels. old super 8 cameras. old projectors + a HUGE teevee in a little house. tiny livingroom with a teevee more than 1/2 the width of the livingroom. walk up, oooh, a yellow mailbox. nice widechimes! NOT FOR SALE. poo. house is PACKED. go to kitchen. nothing i want, hey! an old 60's phone booth in the driveway. nothing in the basement. lots of people. jeez, i HAVE to document that old movie poster theater display cabinet. 341 would love that. i on the other hand buy nothing, but it was fun to see the good stuff. i really need to purge more. maybe i can sell that newer scale on ebay.

The title of this rare (couldn't find even one other copy for sale right now) hardcover book is The Early Ancestors and Descendants of the Burfords, Faulkners. Havens, Hursts, and their Related Families.
CONTENTS Include: The Burfords of Oxfordshire, England and Early Immigrants to America; Descendants of William Burford of Albemarle County, Virginia Immigrant to America; The Eleven Children of William Burford (b 26 July 1791 2nd Generation) and Their Descendants; The Ten Burford Children that came to Kansas from West Virginia; Early Faulkner Ancestors and their Descendants; Descendants of Richard R. Haven; Early Hurst History of USA/Ancestors of the Kansas Hursts; Hilary Hurst's Children and their Descendants; Garrett Hurst's Children and their Descendants; The Hurst and Burford Reunions of Kansas
The author spent a 14-year period searching for information on his family's background. He contacted professional research people in Washington, D.C., Salt Lake City, Utah...and wrote hundreds of letters to numerous relatives in order gather information to produce this book.
Bollinger MIll and covered bridge south of Burfordville on Missouri Hwy #34 in Cape Giradeau County. Interesting book with answers to lots of questions about the Burford, Faulkner, Haven & Hurst families.
Friday, July 09, 2010

Before I show you the outside of this fascinating old volume, I’m going to show you a little of the content because that is what I’m really selling here: Over 1500 pages filled with advertisements, pictures and people’s names, professions and addresses.
That page happens to be an ad for a trunk maker in Cincinnati, but every trade you can think of is covered in this big fat book – even artists!
OK. There is the first picture of the cover and the place where the spine used to be. I’m trusting you not to run away screaming at this point. Stick with me on this. You’ll be glad you did.
This is the 31st year for the publication, and it is from June 1881. It’s a wonder it survived at all for 129 years because this is the type book that could have been thumbed through on a daily basis.
I had to slip in a couple more inside pictures first, but there’s the back. Let’s just say it’s a nice as the cover – how’s that?
After this one, I’m not going to say much more but notice a couple lines in the image above. 1st: Cincinnati was a center for fine art and the home to lots of famous artists back in 1881. This book lists “professions” after the name and address. See John Hauser’s name? If you had a room full of his paintings today, you’d be rich. Then look at the bottom name. Kate was listed as “widow.”