Saturday, August 02, 2008

CLAUDE OF LORRAINE/GELEE, CLAUDE- 1600-1682 celebrated landscape painter. b very poor. no progress in school, apprenticed to a pastry cook(but unlikely, a fable) at 12 an orphan, went to live w/older brother, jean gelee, a wood carver + under him, he designed arabesques + foliage, went off to rome for work, but his clownishness + unable to speak italian, no work. then to naples, to study under Gdfrey Waals for 2 years + then back to ROME W/ ANOTHER ARTIST, augustin assi, who hired him to grind pigment + housework. also taught him art theory + claude developed + devoted himself to art studied from nature. left tassi + TRAveled about, karl dervent kept him a year(painting duke) in 1627 returned to rome. got work for cardinals + the pope + gained celebrity. very anal. would alter, erase + repaint over and over til what he wanted. his skies very good. not good at people. his favorite in villa madama-esther + ahasiarus. did etchings(compares him to turner).

one of john's best pomegranite. i shoulda made this for me. sigh. i loved the pomegranite. but smaller pieces. oh well.
Friday, August 01, 2008

in roman antiquity, a building for exhibition of horse + chariot racing. the oldest was the circus maximus, in the valley between the palatine + aventine hills, around 329bc. partially destroyed by fire in 31bc. by trajan it could hold 150,000(bathroom lines?). team colors. 1st red and white, then green + blue. lastly purple + gold. the ruins identified in 16th c. 3rd circus built by caligula, CIRCUS NERONIS, 4th built by maxentius.
CLAN- goidelic word. cland/clann(welsh-plant). signifies seed-offspring. blah blah blah
the kitty porn reminds me. basil has been trying to express his horniness. doesnt quite get it and sybil ain't cooperating. i was too young to notice. maybe whiskers was that bad at first too.

i thinjk i had a dream last night i remembered. a pheasant/peacock pair picked the neighbor's yard to make a nest. but it was before all this shit was added by the new italin tacky family. tho they did ditch the terrorist plastic chairs.

yellow cloud. some weed i saw on the side of the road in proliferation a few years back. painted the yellow weed. the grass. but what sky? blue? grey? cloudy? and then one day, in the afternoon. maybe 4ish. i look towards the east-lakewise and the lues and the oddest looking sheep clouds. THAT"S THE SKY! not fake at all.
oh, had some intertubes issue. sun interferance? or is it that moon issue? ok, i will have my 1 am snack(before bed to teevee. OOH, high planes drifter. been a long time. i'll just watch it maybe an hour and before you know it, you watch it all and the intertubes is back.
Thursday, July 31, 2008

well, as i said. location location location. milwaukee has some neighborhoods where the best houses are. this little planned OLD section of WAWAtosa, from the sky looks like a centurian's helmet. called the 'highlands' tho. lots of older houses, some victorian. some newer. ugh. one highlands sale i went to was a ranch! but this one like mine. 20's or older. english/hollywood. horrid updatiing had been done. liked the red windows(into asian), but rather see them unpainted like the livingroom. no basement shopping and oh my that is a large maple in the backyard. no screens, but the windows down for air. small haul. but more interested going in! another house in he 'highlands' REALLY needed upgrading. but i got better stuff. but will see when i ebay the eames era rhino.

glyptotek in copenhagen. lot of classic antiquities inside. from my 98' trip to denmark. 1st day.
HEY GNEWS! abramoff was giving georgee finacial
CIRCUMCISION- importance due to quasi-sacramental character in judaism. old testament-blah blah not just for jews, but egyptians, muslims. herodotus mentions egyptian motive of CLAENLINESS, MERE cleanliness seems hardly adequate. sanitary more probably. blah blah GOOD MORNING CAMPERS!
CIRCUMCISION- importance due to quasi-sacramental character in judaism. old testament-blah blah not just for jews, but egyptians, muslims. herodotus mentions egyptian motive of CLAENLINESS, MERE cleanliness seems hardly adequate. sanitary more probably. blah blah GOOD MORNING CAMPERS!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
well, soon after din din. smoke appears behind the bar across the alley. fire trucks-2. truck's engine was on fire. looks like they had been pulling away from the curb and poof. the FFs had to cut thru the hood and the engine was still on fire. many gawkers. it was hot, but not texas/feenix hot.
oh. estate sale post tomorrow. WAWAtosa HIGHLANDS.
well, soon after din din. smoke appears behind the bar across the alley. fire trucks-2. truck's engine was on fire. looks like they had been pulling away from the curb and poof. the FFs had to cut thru the hood and the engine was still on fire. many gawkers. it was hot, but not texas/feenix hot.
oh. estate sale post tomorrow. WAWAtosa HIGHLANDS.