Saturday, March 15, 2008

i forgot. i had to get up icky early(pre-7am) to drive my mom to the PAH-fister for a medical thingy. only bennie was seeing 2 squirrel menaces loping over the trees in the back yard. SQUIRRELS!and looks like the planted a new gift in their usual spot. wonder what they gave us.

a rare dala pig. so far horses, roosters and pigs. wonder if the did anything else. GOOGLE!

CATHERINE of Valois- 1401-1437 consort of Henry V. born in paris. father king of france, charles VI, who was subject to fits of insanity and mother mostly abandoned, neglected her children to such extant that they were often without suitable food and clothes. during one of his more lucid moments, took the kids away and cath, the youngest, sent to a convent to be educated. on taking the throne in 1413, Henry V asked for cath in marriage. but also demanded english provinces that France took. this rejected. he invaded and asserted his claims and made the king comply and henry who had fallen in love with cath, married her at troyes in 1420 and regency of france during father in law's lifetime. 1421 cath crowned in london. dec 1421. henry IV born. cath in france when Hen V died in 1422. returned to england. disappears from records a while. secret marriage to owen tudor, from princely house in wales. had followed Hen V to his french wars and made a squire for bravery displayed at agincourt. became officer in Q's court and gained her affections. owen's oldest son by her, earl of richmond, who's marriage to margaret of beaufort, heiress of the house of somerset and junior branch of john of gaunt, became father of henry VII and the start of the tudor line.

sadly we did quite a few of these. HUGE. block was bigger than getting your arms around it. 22 or 24 inch diameter. after grinding a dozen, taping, building, you get sick of them.
some were nicer. mike cut some nicer ones, the the boss would fuck it up by putting boring border glass on it. was much better when he was dead.
got a a better all-over poppy story next week.
2 poppy pics. may be more.
this one is post jim. mottled schlitz glass border. hard to photo reds. and i ain't got my photoshop. bet i built that one. maybe soldered it too. spent a lot of time on the table with these.
Friday, March 14, 2008

CATHERINE of Braganza-16-38-1705 queen of charles II. born at villa vicosa in portugal. father duke of braganza and rightful heir to portuguese throne. and after many years struggle w/spain, was king.mother a woman of great ability and governed portugal after kings death. mom saw restoration in the future and proposed cath in marriage for an ally. after restoration, agreed to big dowry. married in 1603. charles at 1st pleased. not a happy marriage. cath brought up in convent, and not court material, but charles a bad boy. he was heartless and inconstant. flaunted ex-mistresses. she was neglected. returned to port in 1692 a few years after ch kicked the bucket. no kids. tho he had plenty of bastards.
oh gee. georgie is a positive fellah, too bad he's fucking stoopid.
and hey! looks like i get NOTHING for stimulus. because i'm toooo poor. good job.
i really could have used that pittance.
oh gee. georgie is a positive fellah, too bad he's fucking stoopid.
and hey! looks like i get NOTHING for stimulus. because i'm toooo poor. good job.
i really could have used that pittance.

should say cleaning out blog file. more and more posts! ooh, i want them crimpers! i want that bird! but but but u=you have 2 crimpers already!!!

this is not mine, but an asian woman named susuko, who married mr. gottschalk. war bride? lot of asian books. not your average woman.i found this at an estate sale many many years ago. this may have been where i started collecting art. i just had to take her funny looking cats. i should have got more. she was not trained, i think, but there was worthy quality there. i got 2 cat paintings. this is the big one. both for $4. i got my favorite painted plate there too. i don't care what an expert would say, i think it's priceless.
i do plan on doing some susuko cats. not watercolor tho. that didn't work.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
NPR had a story about a guy who fell in love with nails ad completely changed his art. and it wasn't artsy-fartsy crap. i sooooo got where he's coming from. i will post that painting next week. gotta take a pic.
name is john brisbee. course, my nail love was rusty.
i recommend going to NPR website. cause i couldn't steal the pics.
NPR had a story about a guy who fell in love with nails ad completely changed his art. and it wasn't artsy-fartsy crap. i sooooo got where he's coming from. i will post that painting next week. gotta take a pic.
name is john brisbee. course, my nail love was rusty.
i recommend going to NPR website. cause i couldn't steal the pics.

CATHERINE of ARAGON- 1485-1536. 1st queen of Henry VIII. youngest child of ferdinand and isabella of spain(bro and sis). born on the way to toledo, while spanish army engaged on granada. 1st 4 years in camp w/army outside granada. after taken, became the spanish court. educated by mother, a well educated woman. moors being conquered.america 'discovered' and spain at it's height. 1501, betrothed to arthur, henry VII oldest. short marriage. nov-april, when he died. became betrothed to henry. cath 18-h-13. betrothal ceremony 1503. marriage in 1509. early years happy. henry handsome, affable, and jovial, but repeated loss of children brought gloom.3 sons died soon after birth and mary a sickly child, born in 1516 only one to live. 1527, henry questioned the validity of the marriage, cath very religious, so assumed she would accept leaving the throne for monestary, but she fought for her marriage. pope blah blah anne boleyn seperation 1531. H fed up, made her leace windsor. moved about. more pope blah. marriage null and void in 1533. still loved henry. health poor.
forget new bird chirps. daylight savings, and snow melting. A CHIPPIE HAS BEEN SPOTTED! seems ok with the snow.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

last french soldier.
PARIS, France (AP) -- Lazare Ponticelli, France's last veteran of World War I, has died. He was 110.
Lazare Ponticelli was born in Italy but fought for France in World War I.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy expressed "deep emotion and sadness" at Ponticelli's death, which Sarkozy's office announced in a statement Wednesday.
No cause or details of his death were given.
France planned a national funeral ceremony honoring its last "poilu" -- the term meaning hairy or tough and given to those who fought in the Great War, as World War I is called here. The 1914-1918 conflict tore Europe apart.
Only a handful of World War I veterans are still living, scattered from Australia to the United States and Europe. Germany's last veteran from the conflict died on New Year's Day.
Ponticelli was born December 7, 1897, in Bettola, a town in the foothills of the Apennines in the Emilia Romagna region of northern Italy.
To escape a tough childhood, Ponticelli trooped off alone at age 9 to the nearest railway station, 34 kilometers (21 miles) away in Piacenza, where he took a train to rejoin his brothers in France, eventually becoming a French citizen, according to the veterans' office in the Yvelines region west of Paris.
In the French capital, where he was when the war broke out, he worked as a chimney sweep and then as a newspaper boy.
Ponticelli decided to fight for France, because it had taken him in.
"It was my way of saying 'Thank you," he said in a 2005 interview with the daily Le Monde and officials from France's veterans' office. E-mail to a friend
44 -1? more #$@% Bush weeks to go
44 -1day? more @^#$% Bush weeks to go
spitzer paid a few protitutes
georgie started a war on lies, but to the gnews, that's a hoot.
44 -1? more stupid stupid stupid Bush weeks to go
44 -1day? more @^#$% Bush weeks to go
spitzer paid a few protitutes
georgie started a war on lies, but to the gnews, that's a hoot.
44 -1? more stupid stupid stupid Bush weeks to go
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

CATHERINE DE MEDICI-1519-1589. wife of 1 king, french, and mother of 3, born in florence. daughter of lorenzo de medici, ruler of florence, who machiavelli wrote 'the prince' for orphaned young. sent to convent-14 when married to the duke of orleans1533. afterward henry II. her uncle, pope clement VII(him again) who arranged the marriage w/ frances I. F, still engaged in gaining against charles V. strategic for F and Clem. during F reign, no influence. 10 years, no kids. divorce began to be to be spoken. on hearing of it, cath found a way to beg him that if his son would take another wife, that she be her attendant. france won over, henry reign 1549-1559. cath quiet queen. henry under his mistress, diana of poitier's influence and same after son frances II reigned. FII under spell of mary stuart and cath not one to meddle.
on FII's death, cath regnt during the minority of 2nd son, charles IX and exulted in her new role. king only 10 and the reformation becoming a struggle w/ the old church. cath didn't want to pick sides. for toleration, only goals for her kids and her 3rd and fav son, duke of anjou. she did work to have catholics in power. 30 years war. hugonots defeated. war war war. 3rd son assasinated after her death and the house of valois extinct.

repeat, but unsure about my toes, oe foot st patrickish green, other violet. still cold, nothing growing.
Monday, March 10, 2008

CATHERINE II (THE GREAT)-b 1729 in Stellin. by dethronement of husband Peter III and over her son, crowned in 1762, til death in 1796. father prince of anhalt-zerbst, in upper saxony. mother pendantic peevish kraut. empress elizabeth selected nephew peter, duke of holstein gottrop to be her successor, had asked a sister of frederick of prussia to be the wife of peter, but aware of the extraordinary manners then aat the russia court, fred shrank from the proposal and suggested the princess of anhalt-zerbst. this proposal accepted. the princess originally named sophia augusta, taken to russia by her mother in 1744. after some religios instruction , got the name catherine and admitted to greek church and in 1745, married peter at 16, he 17.
marriage unhappy and ill-assorted. cath grew up to be handsome, strong minded and ambitious. peter, apparently bordering idiocy. he was silly, wayward, and extravagant. spent time w/ kennel of dogs. executed martial law on the rats he used to train like dogs and angry when cath laughed at it. p a drinker and made sure cath knew of his love affairs w/ ladies of the court. (georgieish) at first she tried to make him behave, but her childhood gave her strength to live acutely and adroitly on the court. learned the russian language and russian history, manners, and instructions and willed herself russian. also studied french literature in her youth. volraire and other philosophies of the 18th c her favorite authors and considered herself a deciple and corresponded w/some in 'after-life'(?). since death of peter the great in 1725, the crown had been the plaything of mainly german intrigues. how P+G youngest daughter gained the crown in 1741, but cath dealt w/the court deftly and gradually aquired influence over elizabeth, who admired her beauty and cleverness, but became at the court's licentiousness, she too had love affair and paternity of her children a matter of doubt.(paul in 1753) and she continued til the beginning of 1762 when elizabeth died, and thrust peter, now forced to leave his dogs and rats and lead 1 of the largest empires. he tried, but like georgie, he fucked up(but he was nicer), born lutheran, he offended the church, pro-prussia and made uniforms prussian looking, forgetting 7 years war. and finally cath, by making her decorate his mistress, countess waronzoff, with the order of St. Cath, protected herself, was more adored. the powerfull Orloffs and grey O her lover. with the Os, princess Dashkoff, count p???(paul's tutor) and others, planned to overthrow peter. 7/9/1762, cath woke in the palace of peterhof by alexis orloff, w/ injunction to act immediately; having been betrayed. she set out for the capital and finding gregory orloff on the spot, appealed to guards, who were induced to raise the standard of revolt. in church, the priests anoint he regent in the name of her son, while outside orloffs proclaim her the new queen. after went thru the streets where she was welcomed. meanwhile, peter, clueless, was drilling his favorite german guards at oranieu baum. on going to peterhoff, he found cath gone and suspected the truth. urged to fight, but he wimped out and abdicated the next day, expecting to retire to holstein, but he was compelled to ropscha, where on the 17th, the orloffs after failing to poisin him, strangled him WITH THEIR OWN HANDS IN THE MOST REVOLTING MANNER.(the EB is quite appalled!). cath didn't know about that. some conspiracies followed.
her son paul, whom she disliked and neglected, was placed under strict surveillance til the end of her reign.once secure, began to attend to foreign interests, zealously following russian traditions. enlarged the empire, made peace with prussia, installed former lover poniatowski leader of poland. upset turks who rushed to declare war and lost. defeated the tartars. ormica?, kuban, taman annexed into russia. cath wanted to fulfill french dream ands remove the turks and bring back the byzantines. more turkish defeat. interfered in french revolution. more power grabbed in poland.
domestically acted on the freench teachings, while laws didn't budge, in administration, justice, education, industry, commerce, real improvements made. she did suffer from untrustworthy public servants and her own personality, bribery and corruption in her court, systematic immorality. french called her the semirannis of the north. kimcatrall from sex in the city.
1725-1791 was a favrite of hers. after the sexw/ him was no longer her desire, he pimped new laws for her, getting power for himself and she ws generous w/ her playmates-20,000,000.
french revolution halted any reform. died of apoplexy in 1796

Giraffe II-twiga. this one i have had for more years. my grandma F's favorite colors. pink and orange. she also loved giraffes.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
just watched the end of Dick again. wonder what the real deep throat thought. of course Clenis era movie, BUT, betsy says, 'they'll never lie to us again.'
oh, and the had no idea georgie was coming!
just watched the end of Dick again. wonder what the real deep throat thought. of course Clenis era movie, BUT, betsy says, 'they'll never lie to us again.'
oh, and the had no idea georgie was coming!

my doorknobs, yep. and a door pull, have a few more of those. and a big brass hinge.

CATHERINE I-wife of Peter the great of russia and empress 2 years after death of peter 1725-1727. natural(bastard) daughter of country girl in livonia, left dsetitute as a child, brought up by a lutheran pastor of mariemburg named gluck. 1702, at young age, married to a swedish dragoon, but immediately seperated by war. was carried off by russian forces and slave/mistress to more than 1 russian general(too pretty for the average soldier?). lastly prince menchikoff, where she was noticed by the czar, became his mistress and then wife in 1711. while in pruth. put himself in peril, surrounded by turks and cut off from supplies. rescued by cath, who was expert to collect enough $ to bribe a turk general for peace. next year crowned empress. pete dies in 1725. prince menschikoff is back and a minister. cath dissipated on court after pete, drinking.

although, i am not a fan of the color. sweet undecorated Dala horse. nut i shant be too blue, i have a mini one. did sell the one i did find at an estate sale.