Saturday, May 26, 2007

i think this was in arhus. i think benedicte had stopped in to see her publisher or something. and there was a park right by the parking lot. i got out of the car and sat on the wall. taking pictures. not many as it wasn't that pretty, but then this youngish guy walked up. was i taking pictures of him? no, taking pictures of the park. drug dealer. a very polite drug dealer. you can see the top of his head. shame i didn't get his face. of course did not offer to sell me any drugs. nobody ever offered to sell me drugs. not sure if i look square. already on drugs, or just don't look like i am looking for drugs. strange. i have never been flashed either. and i took several trips on the NYC subways. not that i want to experience a flash.
bonus 86 weeks
86 -3 days more Bush weeks to go
86 -3 days more Bush weeks to go
al qaeda is coming for your children!
so bomb bomb, bomb bomb iWan.
86 - 3 days more Bush weeks to go
if only georgie had done that insane press do on tuesday!
86 -3 days more Bush weeks to go
86 -3 days more Bush weeks to go
al qaeda is coming for your children!
so bomb bomb, bomb bomb iWan.
86 - 3 days more Bush weeks to go
if only georgie had done that insane press do on tuesday!
Friday, May 25, 2007

well, not much of the light post remains. exposed wires. i could not find and tire marks, so the braking squealing tires left no mark. so still no fucking idea where the car was headed when it hit the pole. pile of concrete bits. a few pieces of car. not much glass. lots of sweeping. did see singe marks from the engine i think. i smelled burning rubber last night. probably belts and such. that newer car was totaled.

i getting ready to scan in a diff pic of the injun and SCREECH. BAM! CRASH GLASS CRUNCH. hmm, used to lots of screeches here. but it was an odd sequence of noises. know it's an accident. run to front door. but it was dark, what? go out on stoop. OH, a car hit the light post and CREAMED it. some stopped cars were witnessnesses or something. it was dark without the lights. later FINALLY FFs show up and cops. there was an occupant. still can't figure out how the car got where it was. the DPW showed up too, probably has to deal with the wires and such. NOW, HOW do i get the street signs! course the DPW will take it. sigh.
the occupant was taken away on a stretcher. i don't think they were too bad, or maybe they were. maybe in the paper tomorrow, BUT tomorrow there shall be pics!
friday art blogging-injun

i think this was my 2nd native american 'portrait'. her picture is on an old book my grandmother had on chippewas. my uncle gave it to her. in the book, which i still have somewhere, it doesn't give her name, but i use annishinabe, which if i remember right means human or people or something like that my other choice of titles was assinboin. an alternative name for the tribe. maybe if i get that dna test, we can find out what tribe we are. not the best pic, but she's in denmark right now. gotta get her back. her and pissed cosmo 2. the horse can stay. i tried to paint my roadkill large in didn't have the same 'special'ness. maybe if i was more free? although i did like how that horse came out. hmm, i suppose i will have to find a pic of that horse. put it next to my favorite horse. i've done 3. she is the only one with a vertical background split. maybe if i do another woman, i will stick to that.
i think i may look and see if i have a better pic.
Thursday, May 24, 2007

since my last pic was from copenhagen, i figure i should try to keep it semi chronological. before we took the ferry to arhus to ebeltoft, benedicte took me touristing to the glyptotek. a 'sculpture' museum in copenhagen. i won't post pics i took inside. but the building itself was quite attractive. and the top of benedicte's blonde head is at the bottom left, by the lion.
also a pic of a copenhagen door i saw on way to the glyptotek. i have more door pictures than people pictures.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
found something blogable while rereading the decameron before i ebay it. nice 1930 edition with B/W AND color illustrations. but i have 2 other copies of the decameron and i like those illustrations better.anyways....
4th day, 2nd tale-
They say commonly in proverbial style: A wicked man who is thought to be good can do evil and yet not have it believed.
i think that can be said of falwell and georgie. and the fools who doth believe in their goodness.
found something blogable while rereading the decameron before i ebay it. nice 1930 edition with B/W AND color illustrations. but i have 2 other copies of the decameron and i like those illustrations better.anyways....
4th day, 2nd tale-
They say commonly in proverbial style: A wicked man who is thought to be good can do evil and yet not have it believed.
i think that can be said of falwell and georgie. and the fools who doth believe in their goodness.
i have an old Deco dresser i got from an estate sale $20! the drawers are HUGE! i could fit 3 cats in the drawer and my socks. i leave this drawer open all the time for the cats. sybil doesn't use it much. once pansy was in the drawer and basil joined her. much complaining, but she didn't leave. most nights when i go to bed, basil iss in the drawer, or goes to it.

east side victorian!
the listing sunday said 3 open house sales today. i drove past one. eh, newer home in awesome old neighborhood. maybe if i have time. 2nd a condo. nope, fine the other(by the way, all sales in a 6 block radius. i thought i had found the one to go to. sanfalipos. a restaurant. the owner and chef, sally pappas and her daughter were killed in a car accident last year. i found a parking space across the street and there was another OPEN HOUSE ESTATE SALE sign. what? open door. 2 people come out with bags, I AM GOING THERE! well, no open rooms on 1st floor, climb to 2nd. nope, only the attic. up again. well, this was gonna be hard to glean anything. lady had picked up this red thing wondering what it was. i picked it up. pepper grinder. mod. simple. take. anything? books suck, go to front. crappy xmas shit ooh, deco painted plate! take that. go back, so little that looks acceptable. what did i miss trying to find it? ahhh, ok, silver platters! those have promise. ok, take the aluminum fancy covered pot and candy dish. could be ebayable. oh, take that picnic basket, good for hauling art and shit.
so, not much stuff, might be profitable. but, i got to go into that house! 2nd floor, they had used fake plasterboards with a pattern, very victorian. and the wood. shame the 2nd floor front room the woodwork was painted. nice stained glass windows. had to peek around corner to see one. drove around taking pictures.thursday-WAWAtosa!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
86? FUCKING more Bush weeks to go
86? more Bush weeks to go
Georgie is back in Texasstan
Lieberputz, what's YOUR fucking plan?
86? more shit Bush weeks to go.
86? more Bush weeks to go
Georgie is back in Texasstan
Lieberputz, what's YOUR fucking plan?
86? more shit Bush weeks to go.

i came into copenhagen around noonish. kinda wet. first benedicte took me to the main square which was huge. had the government building and this bizarre sculpture. i took pictures, shit, a peruvian music band? do all the peruvian music bands go to other countries? several art shows in WI had them as music entertainment.
she, her daughter and i then had lunch in this restaurant. much differillent than here, she ordered a whole pork roast we shared. very good and had these amazingly sweet little onions. almost like candy.
i guess i will do the denmark stuff before trees and such. i guess i will have to do the door and the glyptotek next.
Monday, May 21, 2007

playing with my scanner and scanned the best pics of my 1998 trip to denmark. benedicte had paid to come over and be a visiting artist at her tante andante hus. sort of a hodge podge lodge to entertain kids in eagle river, if there was such a thing. EAGLE RIVER! (hot shots! 1 and part duex reference)
anyways, one day she went to Arhus, Denmark, the biggest city in the area. and i went along and walked around the old section of the town. i had my denmark tourist book, so i found this 1500's cathedral. found some exterior crypts. stones from previous buildings. RECYCLING! this is a collage of best pics of the cathedral. i found the cobblestones ok to walk on barefoot, but it was easy to stub toes near crevices between them. shame they don't have trees there. but then in the old days, fires were hazards. i do think i read in the 1903 F EB that it did have 1 or 2 massive fires.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
BENGUELA-african country south of Angola. gotta check an old atlas, might have it
BERGAMOT (oil)- i am fond of earl grey and have a bergamot perfume so i read this entry. -from th rind of a citrus fruit(realy?!?), leaves and flowers like bitter orange. 3" round. thin lemon yellow, smooth rind.
BERLIN-entymology of the name obscure. celtic? ber=short and lyn=lake, or wend word wer=free open place. or 'werl'=river island. prof paul cassel in recent published dissertation suggestsgerman word bruhl(w/ umlauts) marshy district. which it was.
-beginnings, was 2 towns coln + berlin. 1st date 1237, mentioned from a letter in 1244. earlyreformation reformed 1565, population 12,000. after 30 years war-6,000.on death of the great elector in 1688, the pop was 20,000. the elector Frederick III, after king fred I sought to make it a royal 'residence', raised berlin's rank in 1701. from that time it grew in extant, splendor, and population.
Fred the great found it at his succession in 1740 w/ 90,000. at succession of Fred William IV in 1840 it had 331,894 and in July 1874 949,144. from 2 townships to 16 covering 25 sq miles.
considered changing from province to kingdom.
progress and prosperity checked here and there. 17c imperialists and swedes under Wallenstien and under Gustavus Adolphus as enemies within berlin's walls. 18c austrians and russians during 7 years war. 19c napoleon I and the french. 1848 the march revolution, but 1866 + 1870 wiped away these dark spots.
BERMUDAS/SOMMER'S ISLANDS/SUMMER ISLANDS- 'discovered' when ship wrecked under Juan Bermudez on voyage to cuba from Spain with hogs in 1522. Henry May(l?), an englishman had the same fate in 1598 and lastly sir george sommers shipwrecked in 1609. sir george settled there, plans for settlement, but died before completed to his design.1612 granted offshoot of Virginia Co. 1st wealth tobacco and later salt loagoons at turks island.1726 Berkeley chose bermuda as seat of missionary establishment. 1st paper started in 1784.
BERNADOTTE, jean-baptiste-jules, later King charles XIV of Sweden and Norway. B 1764 in Bearn to a lawyer.parents wanted him to go into law as well, but chose military career in 1780. he rose thru ranks 1792 a colonel, 1793 a general of brigade. also diplomatic skills. 1806 he was created a prince of Ponte Corvo. 1810, the death of prince Augustenburg of sweden left the kingdom without heir. he was nominated successor to charles XIII of sweden. was against napoleon. 1818, king. d 1844, succeeded by son oscar.
whoops, there went geometry. was gonna say chemistry but that was gone the year i fucking took that damn class.
BENGUELA-african country south of Angola. gotta check an old atlas, might have it
BERGAMOT (oil)- i am fond of earl grey and have a bergamot perfume so i read this entry. -from th rind of a citrus fruit(realy?!?), leaves and flowers like bitter orange. 3" round. thin lemon yellow, smooth rind.
BERLIN-entymology of the name obscure. celtic? ber=short and lyn=lake, or wend word wer=free open place. or 'werl'=river island. prof paul cassel in recent published dissertation suggestsgerman word bruhl(w/ umlauts) marshy district. which it was.
-beginnings, was 2 towns coln + berlin. 1st date 1237, mentioned from a letter in 1244. earlyreformation reformed 1565, population 12,000. after 30 years war-6,000.on death of the great elector in 1688, the pop was 20,000. the elector Frederick III, after king fred I sought to make it a royal 'residence', raised berlin's rank in 1701. from that time it grew in extant, splendor, and population.
Fred the great found it at his succession in 1740 w/ 90,000. at succession of Fred William IV in 1840 it had 331,894 and in July 1874 949,144. from 2 townships to 16 covering 25 sq miles.
considered changing from province to kingdom.
progress and prosperity checked here and there. 17c imperialists and swedes under Wallenstien and under Gustavus Adolphus as enemies within berlin's walls. 18c austrians and russians during 7 years war. 19c napoleon I and the french. 1848 the march revolution, but 1866 + 1870 wiped away these dark spots.
BERMUDAS/SOMMER'S ISLANDS/SUMMER ISLANDS- 'discovered' when ship wrecked under Juan Bermudez on voyage to cuba from Spain with hogs in 1522. Henry May(l?), an englishman had the same fate in 1598 and lastly sir george sommers shipwrecked in 1609. sir george settled there, plans for settlement, but died before completed to his design.1612 granted offshoot of Virginia Co. 1st wealth tobacco and later salt loagoons at turks island.1726 Berkeley chose bermuda as seat of missionary establishment. 1st paper started in 1784.
BERNADOTTE, jean-baptiste-jules, later King charles XIV of Sweden and Norway. B 1764 in Bearn to a lawyer.parents wanted him to go into law as well, but chose military career in 1780. he rose thru ranks 1792 a colonel, 1793 a general of brigade. also diplomatic skills. 1806 he was created a prince of Ponte Corvo. 1810, the death of prince Augustenburg of sweden left the kingdom without heir. he was nominated successor to charles XIII of sweden. was against napoleon. 1818, king. d 1844, succeeded by son oscar.
whoops, there went geometry. was gonna say chemistry but that was gone the year i fucking took that damn class.
hey, thanks dale. i looked up yankee screwdriver and learned more. boy, you can get new ones! hope much lighter. course it looks like the size i have is large. of course i am not big on gadjits, just gimee a screwdriver.
and while i am here.

near where my mom worked, still works there occasionally, but now can telecommute.
and while i am here.
near where my mom worked, still works there occasionally, but now can telecommute.