Saturday, December 13, 2008

2 pics from NPR website. rest from NYer DUer amerikat. i love the ice covered vista.

i found this gravy boat at MY resale shop. i just liked the look of it. harlequin? are you REEELY gonna use it? i made a profit even tho it had a chip.

oh man was this estate sale full of OLD stuff. museum old. this is a radio. you say no way, but this is before they could put it in a box. and they also had an edison brand mimeograph. slightly smaller than a xerox. the tubes are in the box.

vincente hernandez vasquez. i wanted this one but $$$. under $50, but still too much.

this is from the 1st photo album i got for $5 at a little dumpy antique shop. and i LOVE it, post the best shots. and estate sales is a great way to find more. i wish i knew more about the person who did it. i have a few i know a iittle more.
Friday, December 12, 2008
did i do this barney frank quote? worthy of a repeat:
"Obama's going to have to be more assertive than he's been. At a time of great crisis with mortgage foreclosures and autos, he says we only have one president at a time. I'm afraid that overstates the number of presidents we have. He's got to remedy that situation."
did i do this barney frank quote? worthy of a repeat:
"Obama's going to have to be more assertive than he's been. At a time of great crisis with mortgage foreclosures and autos, he says we only have one president at a time. I'm afraid that overstates the number of presidents we have. He's got to remedy that situation."

the abbott muddler i ebayed from the 100th street bungalow. paid for my shopping. if you sell what you buy, is it shopping? ok, i did keep some stuff. coke ruler mine!

bad color. taken from a slide. well THAT didn't work. did i do this nude already? i got bored with doing reality.
Thursday, December 11, 2008

CRIMEA- the ancient tauric chersonese krym/crim in black sea area-history. earliest known people-cimmerians, who were driven out by the scythians, 680-631 bc, and fled to asia minor, leaving only a few who took to the mountains + became tauri. savage people who sacrificed anybody that landed on their turf.
658 bc the herac/cotes + founded a colony, now sevastopol. lasted 1000 yrs. taken in 988 by russian prince vladimir, and destroyed in 1363 by olgerd, prince of lithuania. in 7th C ad, more grecians, milesians settled at theodosia, nymphaeum + kertch. back to 115 bc + scythians alans 62 ad + goths, who stayed + started farms. huns in 376, khozars in 8th C, byzantines 1016, kiptchaks, khazary mongols 1237, venetians, genoese.
after destruction of the golden horde by mahomet II 1475. then 1777 sawaroff + catherine II(the great).
the crimea was occupied by the allied forces of britain, france, + sardinia during 1853-1855 in russian-turkish war. is this the big crimean war?
CRISPIN + CRISPINIAN- 2 saints according to tradition, brothers, b in rome + in the company of st. denis in 3rd C. at night shoemakers to pay their way, sold cheap to the poor. an angel 'providing' leather. in another version they stole the leather for the poor. a govenor knowing knowing they were xtians, tortured them + beheaded . date usually 287-saints of shoemakers. nikes too?
CRITIAS- athenian orator + poet + one of the 30 tyrants. in youth heard socrates, but when older devoted to selfish political intrigues. eventually banished(like newt), returning to athens, made ephor. was cruel + unscrupulous. 404ish bc.
CRIVELLI, CARLO CAVALIERE- venetian painter, early 15thC. only dates 1468+ 1493 from his paintings. tempera. best seen in 1/2 light from a distance.
hmm. that bad?
i gotta say for pre-renaissance, i think they are pretty nice.