Saturday, April 11, 2009
pansypoo's computer decided to fuck with luddite's head. will be back.
Friday, April 10, 2009

DEFFEND, MARIA De VICHY-CHAMROND, marquise du-1697-1780- a celebrated leader in the fashionable literary society of paris during most of the 18th c. of noble family. educated at a paris convent, where she showed great intelligence, the sceptical + cynical turn of mind, which suited her part to fill in philosophical circles. parents alarmed at her radical views of freedom arranged that massillon should visit + reason w/ her, but no effect. married her at 21 to the marquis du deffend w/out her asking. the union unhappy + speedy separation. MD young + beautiful, did not, common belief, succeed in keeping herself uncontaminated by the abounding vice of the age + said she was for a time the mistress of the regent. reconciled w/ her husband, but no good + final separation. incapable of strong attachment, but her intelligence. her cynacism, + her espirit made her a center of attraction to a circle w/included nearly all the famous philosophers + literary men in paris. in 1752 became blind + took hr abode in the st joseph convent w/ a street entrance + visited by voltaire, walpole + others. in 1764 the group split in 2 by the defection of her companion madamoselle de l'epinasse. MD most affinity w// walpole. of her inumerable witty sayings, the best known is her remark on the cardinal de polignac's account of st. denis's miricle walk of 2 miles w/ his head in his hands(miricle?)-"il n'y a que le premier pas qui coute" the distance doesn't matter, it is only the 1st step that is the most difficult.
correspondence printed.
most likely a pre-WW2 east european knick knack. small little bakelite. WANT. i emailed the seller. he thanked me and said his parents were polish.
Thursday, April 09, 2009

i sent marco a e hoping his family wasn't near the earthquake. he lives farther north. and sent me this pic. venezia. venice? looks like.

the one sale i really would have liked to go was way out of my 'areas i go too'. sure, usedto own a furniture store, sure lot of mod, but too far, so, well, a much closer maybe sale. never know with D&M, but i usually find SOMETHING. even tho the listing mentioned nothing of interest. pet cages? nah. BUT, did say large old round oak table. small shit house. 1940's? small boring. yuff on the lawn. not a great sign. go in. take plastic bag of wood letter teaching 'blocks' for cousin. quick look at stuff on other table. saw a nice pot. maybe. quick, kitchen. sigh go towards basement. nothing in basement, so no go, behind a very large microwave over the sink, spot a newer muddler. take. no nice knives or anything alse, off to bedrooms. streetside room mostly bad Xmas shit. go to the other little room. lot of wood stuff....JACKPOT! i always wanted on of these turned seed pods i see at art fairs. $$$. nice smalll one 50¢! MINE. oooh, that is a nice burl! how much?
not much in the house, but i did very well for $4.25! always sell the burl for retirement later.
DECARIO- an officer in the roman calvary, commanding a cecaria(10 men).
DEE, JOHN- 1527-1608. mathematician + astrologer. pa a wealthy vintner. 1542 sent to cambridge. 5 years study, especially math + astronomy, then to holland to visit other mathematicians. after a year, returned to cambridge + elected a fellow at trinity + erected by henry VIII. in 1548 took masters of arts, also needed to leave on suspicions he was a conjuror, which based on a piece of machinery, in the 'irene of aristophanes, h exhibited a representation of a scarabaeus flying up to jupiter, with a man + a bucket of victuals on his back, returned 1551 king edward assigned him a 100 crown pension. after mary acceeded. accused of using echantments against the catholic queen, after confinement, obtained his liberty in 1555 on elizabeth 1 reign. de asked by lord dudley to name a good day for coronation. on that day, introduced to QE, who took lessoons from him on mystical interpretation + made promise, but never fulfilled. 1564 back to eurp travel. collected curios books. studied. destroted by the stupids-EVIL! geography-blah blah blah died 81.
DEER- a family of ruminant artiodactyle mammals. 2+ pgs.
DECARIO- an officer in the roman calvary, commanding a cecaria(10 men).
DEE, JOHN- 1527-1608. mathematician + astrologer. pa a wealthy vintner. 1542 sent to cambridge. 5 years study, especially math + astronomy, then to holland to visit other mathematicians. after a year, returned to cambridge + elected a fellow at trinity + erected by henry VIII. in 1548 took masters of arts, also needed to leave on suspicions he was a conjuror, which based on a piece of machinery, in the 'irene of aristophanes, h exhibited a representation of a scarabaeus flying up to jupiter, with a man + a bucket of victuals on his back, returned 1551 king edward assigned him a 100 crown pension. after mary acceeded. accused of using echantments against the catholic queen, after confinement, obtained his liberty in 1555 on elizabeth 1 reign. de asked by lord dudley to name a good day for coronation. on that day, introduced to QE, who took lessoons from him on mystical interpretation + made promise, but never fulfilled. 1564 back to eurp travel. collected curios books. studied. destroted by the stupids-EVIL! geography-blah blah blah died 81.
DEER- a family of ruminant artiodactyle mammals. 2+ pgs.