Saturday, January 15, 2011

The exquisite portrait miniature of Dr. Rabbi Moses Mielziner (1828-1903), noted Talmudic scholar and president of Hebrew Union College (1900-1903) in Cincinnati, Ohio was passed down through the Mielziner family until it came into my hands. It is painted on a thin sliver of ivory weighing less than ½ of 1% of the total, including the frames, and it remains in its gilt bronze or brass easel frame, most certainly of the French style.
Being a precious family heirloom, it was placed in a large, velvet lined shadowbox frame many years ago. It is 9 ¾” by 11” and a full 1 ¾” deep allowing for over an inch clearance between the portrait and the glass. I dismantled it for thorough examination and discovered some exciting history and details. Let’s have a good close look; shall we?
The gilt frame is 3 ½” by 2 ½”, and has remained in perfect condition, as has the portrait on its thin ivory oval.
Original intended as an easel frame which could also hang from the ring at the top, it was professionally secured inside the large frame by a wire passing through the same fitting at the hanging ring. It is very well secured. However, for shipping, I will removed the portrait frame for safety.
The execution of the portrait is of the highest level. The glistening gold of his spectacles is more impressive in person than in my meager photographs.
Note the signature and date: “Mielziner, ’97.” This, along with more information I found inside presents a bit of a puzzle, but it is one with a very interesting and limited number of possible answers.
That old paper was directly behind the portrait: “McKenna.” That name adds even more interest, and here’s why.
Moses Mielziner married Rosette Levald of Copenhagen in 1861. Seven of their children survived, and one was Leo Mielziner who became a well known artist in both Paris and in the United States, where two of his most famous “sitters” were Woodrow Wilson and Wilbur Wright. Leo married Ella Friend McKenna, a direct descendent of John Friend who arrived at the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630.
Study the Mielziner family and you’ll discover an intermingling of the scholarly, theater and the arts. Dr. Rabbi Mielziner wrote several books and sermons, one of which; Die Verhältnisse der Sklaverei bei den Alten Hebräern, 1859 (The conditions of slavery among the ancient Hebrews) remains required reading in the reform movement.) Leo and Ella’s sons became well known in the theater. Leo Jr. adopted the stage name Kenneth MacKenna. His brother Jo was the famed set and stage designor.
An interesting footnote to theatrical history: Kate Hepburn referred to Kenneth MacKenna as “My Deflowerer.” That was Kate’s pet name for the handsome young actor who took her virginity in 1928. She said of the affair: “Someone had to do the dirty deed. Why not Kenneth?”
I guess I strayed a bit from the subject at hand, but with such interesting family history, it’s almost impossible not to.
If for any reason you aren’t totally thrilled with this piece, simply return in for a complete refund – including return shipping. It’s not only an important piece of history – it’s also one of the most lovely portrait miniatures I’ve ever discovered.

the king no longer hand an army in peace w/out consent. blah blah blah. officers were gentlemen. king on a budget. blah blah blah blah blah toleration act blah BLAH. chuck II dies 1700. william prudent. (french going all napoleonic on holland) trying to get torries on his side (obama republikkklans). act of settlement(no roman cath king) alliance w/ dutch.
james II died + lewis acknowledged his son as rightful king of england. E says na eh. W dissolves parlient + W got men + $ for war, but then W thrown from horse + died 3/1702. still war on france.

the king no longer hand an army in peace w/out consent. blah blah blah. officers were gentlemen. king on a budget. blah blah blah blah blah toleration act blah BLAH. chuck II dies 1700. william prudent. (french going all napoleonic on holland) trying to get torries on his side (obama republikkklans). act of settlement(no roman cath king) alliance w/ dutch.
james II died + lewis acknowledged his son as rightful king of england. E says na eh. W dissolves parlient + W got men + $ for war, but then W thrown from horse + died 3/1702. still war on france.

last sat an open house bay view sale. little house. older. brick. inside. 30's" 40's? lots of crap. how do i fill a bag of this crap? not much in the kitchen. grab an old tin tray. the steamer. a banal appl salt shaker. the crystal ones. ahh.kashmir egg! go to the basement. first grab some photos. grab the golf drink spoon, ahh! old 50/50 bottle! paper label! look look, grabed the mexico olympics tray. never know. look look, man the crap. sigh. grabbed a big bucket of clothespins. yes. THAT BAD. go upstairs. more crap. oh, can i take the phone? LOTS OF DEAD PHONES. sigh. no sales this week. none. but hey, i did a lake drive castle. lots of the silver plate from that north east side sale selling.
Friday, January 14, 2011

Old 1950s Red & White CHILD’S Barber BOOSTER SEAT Stool-$57
I was trying to think of a time when I had more fun discovering something, and the only thing I can think of was a sun drenched day in 1973 on a white sandy beach that ran for miles along the eastern coast of Puerto Rico, but that doesn’t count because we were all nekked.