Saturday, March 16, 2013
the cat pee haul. spoon never smelled like pee, but w/ coffee anyways. tiki say JAMAICA, WI. i don't think the atlantic islands did TIKIS. there's a jamaica WI??? i knew there wasn't a jamaica WI. its W.I.
the cat pee haul. spoon never smelled like pee, but w/ coffee anyways. tiki say JAMAICA, WI. i don't think the atlantic islands did TIKIS. there's a jamaica WI??? i knew there wasn't a jamaica WI. its W.I.
Standing 9 ½” tall, including the stump base, I believe this to be a life-size carving of the only known monopod shore bird: The Scampering Southern Short-bill Surf Tickler. If it is some other species, well . . . . never mind then.
FERDINAND V- kin of castile, III of naples, II of aragon + sicily, surnamed catilico, 1452-1516, the youngest son of john II of navarre, by his 2nd wife juana henriquez of castile, b. sos, castile 3/10/1452. on the death of his older brother carlos in 1561, he was recognized by the aragonese as heir, but castilians, rendered indignant by the cruel perfidy w/ which carlos had been treated, refused to recognize claims to their allegience, + rose in reebellion against john II. ferd went w/ father on following campaigns, early pomise. in 1466 father got him involved in govt. + in 1458 declared him king of sicily. in 1469 he was married in secret to isabella. sister of henry IV of castile, heiress to the throne. on henry IV's death in 1474, ferd + isabella were recognized by the nobles in the junta of segovia as joint rulers of castile, but a powerful party, including the marquis of villena, the grand-master of calatrava, the arch-bishop of toledo, + numerous other notables, as well as some of the burghs, declared in favor of juana "la beltraneja"(daughter of beltrane), who henry had shortly before his death recognized his own child, + by his will designated her as his successor. juana also had the support of alphonso V of portugal(to whom she was betrothed in 1470 ) + louis XI of france. civil war until catholics won a peace in 1479. in sae yr earlier ht ferd had succeeded father in aragon, navarre to his sister leonara de foix. the union of catile + aragon together. the prosperous termination of the civil war gave the Catholic sovereigns leisure + opportunity for domestic policy on their succession, they had found themselves fine o face w/ an almost anarchical condition of affairs. bitter feuds were raging in andalucia between the great houses of cadiz + medina sidonia; galacia + other provinces were rent w/ hostie factions; robbery + outrage were paralyzing commerce + agriculture throughout the kingdoms. one of their earliest measures for restoring order was the reorganization + developement(1476) of the ancient hermandad(brotherhood). a league w/ had been orriginally formed by some of the cities for mutual protection against the aggression of the nobles + of the crown to which had already more than once, by means of its "cortes extraordinay", made its power felt. it was now augmanted + mobilized as a body of military police for the detection + repression of all crimes against person or property committed on the highways or in the open country. for these ends it proved very useful; + also for another purpose w/ is believed to have been aimed at its constitution. that of checking the arrogance + rapacity of the feudal 'aristocracy'. the next step to secure orderly government was the institution of the famous INQUISITION as a tribunal for the repression of heresy (+ as historians do not hesitate to add, to extort MONEY): the necessary bull w/ obtained from sistus IV in 1478 the court was instituted at seville in 1480. where the 1st 'auto de fe' took place the next year.
auto de fe

extended to aragon in 1483, torquemada being appointed 1st inquisitor-general.
part 1
oops i forgot a bit. 2 of 112 engravings of het podium der martelaren. 1700ish. after being tortured, the famous humanists+ freethinkers(not catholic) geylyn cornelius + ursula schulmeysterin were burned n the spanish inquisition in holland.
this is the only way to convey the enormity of the big boy engine. it is the size of 3 locomotive steam engines in one. the amounts of rivets containing the power inside. the screw feeder of coal from the huge tender.