Saturday, September 19, 2009
how is this BETTER than foot binding? and yes, i wanna look like the neighborhood streetwalker.
Friday, September 18, 2009

EU DE COLOGNE- a perfume, so named from the city of cologne, where its manufacture was 1st established by an italian, giovanni maria farina. b 1685 + other members of his famiy. in 1874, 335 perfumers. 28 farina. eu de P consists of a solution of essential oils in alcohol. the purity + thorouh blending of ingredients are the most important. originaly prepared by an infusion of flowers, pot herbs, drugs, and spices + adding vegetable essences.
EBERHARD, surnamed I M BAST(BARBATUS) count + afterwards duke of wurtenburg, b 12/1445. 2nd son of count ludwig I, who died in 1450, + succeeded by his brother, + he succeeded his brother ludwig II at 12 in 1447. the guardian-ship of the young count assumed by his uncle, count ulrich + had a learned tutor. averting power + not learning(bush!) he profited little from his tutor + at 14, he threw off the restraint of guardianship, assumed the government, but instead of discharging duties, he indulged his wild side + reckless. but for some reason, he was serious + according to legend, he undertook a pilgrimage to jerusalem. also visited italy + met many scholars(not georgee). he married barbara, daughter of lodovicodi gozaga, who also rose his character. began to study + great interest in the promotion of the new learning + at his wife's instigation he founded in 1477, the university of tubingen. in 1481, the young advocate john reuchlin lectured on greek at the university + got dr degree of laws. Ct E grew to liking him greatly + appointed him as his secretary + named him councillor. in 1483, E e/ R visited rome, had an audience w/ pope sixtus IV + was given the golden rose. on return visited florence + met w/scholars there gathered around lorenzo de medici-same that E by treaty of minzingen, E put an end to the evils that had arisen from a division of the country in 1437, between his father + uncle ulrich + right of primogeniture of his family. blah blah. moved to stuttgart E sympathized w/ the desire for reformation + in his dominions he rendered great service in his regulation of convents. some he secularized. lover of peace, (NOT georgee) he knew how to bear the sword of war when necessary(FDR!), but by his courage, wisdom, + fidelity, he secured esteem + friendship of emp frederick III + maximillion I + other princes of his time. he was one of the leading members of the swabian league formed in 1488 blah blah maxmillion blah blah rose to duke, died 1494. 2 children died in infancy + ulrich line extinct.