Saturday, December 31, 2011
Lot of 6 BROOCHES Czech Butterfly, Anne Klein K, Far Fetched Bear, Coins, Seely-$23
FARIA Y SOUSA, MANOEL DE (1590-1649)- a spanish + portuguese historian + poet, born of an ancient portuguese family, attended for several years, university of braga + when around 14 entered the service of the bishop of oporto. except for 1630-34, when he was ambassador to the papal court. the greater part of of his life was spent in madrid + lead a studious domestic life of books + children. passages from his enormous commentary on the lusiad 1639, excited the suspicion of the inquisitors, caused his temporary incarceration + led to the permanent loss of his official salary in spite of the enthusiasm of daily 12 folio pages, he died before finishing his history of the portuguese in all the world. as a poet, F was nearly as prolific blah blah.
FARINA/PORTO FARINA- town of the regency of tunis. the ruins of ancient utica.
FARIA Y SOUSA, MANOEL DE (1590-1649)- a spanish + portuguese historian + poet, born of an ancient portuguese family, attended for several years, university of braga + when around 14 entered the service of the bishop of oporto. except for 1630-34, when he was ambassador to the papal court. the greater part of of his life was spent in madrid + lead a studious domestic life of books + children. passages from his enormous commentary on the lusiad 1639, excited the suspicion of the inquisitors, caused his temporary incarceration + led to the permanent loss of his official salary in spite of the enthusiasm of daily 12 folio pages, he died before finishing his history of the portuguese in all the world. as a poet, F was nearly as prolific blah blah.
FARINA/PORTO FARINA- town of the regency of tunis. the ruins of ancient utica.
Friday, December 30, 2011
i saved 3 of erin's (didn't know his last name)
drawings from the trash. he had thrown them away. he dropped out. i hope he is painting or drawing or something.

Although it’s unlikely, let’s say they passed a law stating that no household was allowed to own more than one “box mill coffee grinder.” That being the case, this is the one you’d want to hang on to.
Was that too much of a stretch? Not for me, it wasn’t.
From its dovetailed box to its raised pewter hopper; its square nails to its gracefully hand routed base; it is most certainly the most pleasing box mill I’ve ever owned. (It appears I should wipe a little dust off the top now that it is leaving my house, something I didn’t think would ever happen.)
You’re going to see about a jillion images, but I wanted to try my dangdest to give you an idea of the old, mellow surface, the dovetailing and the routed base right off the bat.