Saturday, May 03, 2008
a month after floyd was injured, he was covering everything behind the front. the germans made a push towards paris at the Marne. was halted by the french foreign legion and 2 american divisions.
then the allies made a major attack on july 17. all night gathering at a forest near paris. the attack commenced at 4:30 a.m. floyd describes the mass movements in the dark, and the new hulking machines. tanks.TANKS!
so hours later, he describes the captured germanss making their way from the front, and injured and americans carrying whatever they could carry-
it was said that day that german prisoners were of the opinion, the british were in the war because they hated germany and that the french were in the war because the war was in france, but that the americans seemed to be fighting to collect souveniers.
no wonder we shop so much.
a month after floyd was injured, he was covering everything behind the front. the germans made a push towards paris at the Marne. was halted by the french foreign legion and 2 american divisions.
then the allies made a major attack on july 17. all night gathering at a forest near paris. the attack commenced at 4:30 a.m. floyd describes the mass movements in the dark, and the new hulking machines. tanks.TANKS!
so hours later, he describes the captured germanss making their way from the front, and injured and americans carrying whatever they could carry-
it was said that day that german prisoners were of the opinion, the british were in the war because they hated germany and that the french were in the war because the war was in france, but that the americans seemed to be fighting to collect souveniers.
no wonder we shop so much.

found this student pot (big-10inchish) at an estate sale in the 90's. so funky, had to take it. has some flaws. but love the star trekishness.

CHARLES II- 1630-1685. 2nd son of Charles I. was prince of wales at birth. no part in civil war-too young. til 1649, was in paris or the hague. on father's execution-king, but negotiations. cromwell defeated the royalists. in france til 1654, then to cologne, to bruges til death of crowell. spent his years party animal-no marriage(like modern chuck) w/ suitble brie. finally recalled to england on 30th b-day. bodies of cromwell and ireton dug up and hung in chains. parliament granted him £1,200,000 a year for life! still religious hubbub. Ch-II catholic. his character was genial selfishness. chief aim to support his gay life and many mistresses. Queen obliged to treat them w/out scorn and even familiarity. scandalous court, but he was affable(another fucking georgee) and witty, so popular.1662 married Catherine, princess of portugal, who came w/ 500,000, bombay, and fortress of tangiers. died without legitimate issue.

dogwood. one of my favorite of this pattern which i didn't much care for. but better than a fucking cherry blossom. i hated those.
Friday, May 02, 2008

did i already post this lollipop one? still tis worthy. drool. i want it.
CHARLES I- 1600-1649. king of england. 2nd and favorite son of james I. after death of brother-prince of wales in 1612, but 1st, public master of the spanish marriage. at 1st indifferent and in 1622 dreamt of leading army into the palatine and set his sister on her throne, but the next year- the palace made him want to have a secret visit to spain. his visit revealed his weak side of character. took a violent fancy for the infanta, who he alarmed by leaping over the wall of the garden, where she was walking to speak w/her, which spanish ettiquette forbad. w/ mix of infatuation + duplicity, he took repeated insults; he allowed his chaplains to be barred from the palace + his retinue went back to england, + gave way to the growing demands of the spanish favorite, Olivarez. promised much of what he couldn't deliver, listened to the arguements of the spanish theololins. sent the pope a disgraceful letter, giving great expectations, thoughts of conversion, finally agreed to the marriage, but by then his ardor cooled + the palace dampened the dying embers.
in 1624, marriage between henrietta maria of france. in 1625 became king.
under the spell of his favorite, who had grand + warlike schemes(DICKIE!). all doomed to fail! bad military actions(iWaq), but worst-pawned the crown jewels(at least he paid for it). the house of lords indicted Bristol, who c I tried to destroy. 8 articles of impeachment against duke of buckingham, who had been acting on CI's behalf. high taxes(tax cuts). people revolted. blah blah. no parliament for years. 'every year made the people better aquainted w/ the character of their king, who showed an unhappy IGNORANCE of the HISTORY and the temper of the nation.'
the people wanted a stronger reign on the king. HE DESENDED TO PUERILE EXERCISE OF AUTHORITY. the DECIDER! monopolies granted. irish massecre (iWaq) STAR CHAMBER.(GITMO). blah blah, his rule, overturned but yet he schemed. treachery. king warred with parliament. public panic. civil war.1646, fled to scotland, but in 1647 delivered to parliament. CROMWELL. 1649, C-I beheaded. (if only!)
C-I a stammerer(!). yet of almost all the essential kingly qualities he was utterly destitute.(stubborn), so completely did he identify political skill w/ DUPLICITY that, in public matters, he could never be trusted + compromise w/ him was IMPOSSIBLE.
history repeats again. too many turds.
CHARLES I- 1600-1649. king of england. 2nd and favorite son of james I. after death of brother-prince of wales in 1612, but 1st, public master of the spanish marriage. at 1st indifferent and in 1622 dreamt of leading army into the palatine and set his sister on her throne, but the next year- the palace made him want to have a secret visit to spain. his visit revealed his weak side of character. took a violent fancy for the infanta, who he alarmed by leaping over the wall of the garden, where she was walking to speak w/her, which spanish ettiquette forbad. w/ mix of infatuation + duplicity, he took repeated insults; he allowed his chaplains to be barred from the palace + his retinue went back to england, + gave way to the growing demands of the spanish favorite, Olivarez. promised much of what he couldn't deliver, listened to the arguements of the spanish theololins. sent the pope a disgraceful letter, giving great expectations, thoughts of conversion, finally agreed to the marriage, but by then his ardor cooled + the palace dampened the dying embers.
in 1624, marriage between henrietta maria of france. in 1625 became king.
under the spell of his favorite, who had grand + warlike schemes(DICKIE!). all doomed to fail! bad military actions(iWaq), but worst-pawned the crown jewels(at least he paid for it). the house of lords indicted Bristol, who c I tried to destroy. 8 articles of impeachment against duke of buckingham, who had been acting on CI's behalf. high taxes(tax cuts). people revolted. blah blah. no parliament for years. 'every year made the people better aquainted w/ the character of their king, who showed an unhappy IGNORANCE of the HISTORY and the temper of the nation.'
the people wanted a stronger reign on the king. HE DESENDED TO PUERILE EXERCISE OF AUTHORITY. the DECIDER! monopolies granted. irish massecre (iWaq) STAR CHAMBER.(GITMO). blah blah, his rule, overturned but yet he schemed. treachery. king warred with parliament. public panic. civil war.1646, fled to scotland, but in 1647 delivered to parliament. CROMWELL. 1649, C-I beheaded. (if only!)
C-I a stammerer(!). yet of almost all the essential kingly qualities he was utterly destitute.(stubborn), so completely did he identify political skill w/ DUPLICITY that, in public matters, he could never be trusted + compromise w/ him was IMPOSSIBLE.
history repeats again. too many turds.

maria + jacobo angeles. sigh. i wish i could bid. she does amazing paint jobs.

a watercolor i did eons ago. i don't really do normal watercolors anymore. this is rather normal.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
CHARLEMAGNE/CHARLES The Great- b 742. succeeded his father Pepin, king of the franks in 768. crowned emperor of romans in 800. d. 814. 46 year reign. dad divided the kingdom between Ch and his bro Carloman, but he died in 771. in addition too the franks emp, also burgandy, allemamia', aquitaine, brittony, frisia, thuringia, and bavaria. protected popes against greeks and lombards and champion of christianity against saracens on theSW and the heathensaxons of the NE. maintained and extended the influence of christian culture and steps toward converting the military monarchy into an organized polity.
1st supress a rising in aquitaine 772, began great mission in life, conquest and conversion of saxons which took 32 years of warfare. w/exception of frisians, the saxons were last remnant of old germanic resistance to the franks + last germanic champions of odin against christianity. Ch never had trouble vanquishing the hapless saxons + the loose confederation, it was hard to find a leader to depose and make treaty(like iWaq? how about sadr? or is it the taliban?) they encroached on his eastern frontier, was his 1st attempt. stormed their fortress, overthrew the Irminsul, column shaped idol reveared by the saxons, destroyed the sanctuary of odin and compelled the westphalian saxons to submit.
events in italy demanded Ch's attention. crossed the alps + attacked the lombards. victory, dethrowned Desiderius + took crown for himself 774. saxons acting up again, expelled the franks. Ch attacked + in 2 campaigns, enforced submission of entire saxon confed, received homage of the saxon warriors. 1000 whom submitted to baptism. 777 Ch crossed the pyrenees and conquered to the ebro. on retun, rearguard attacked, cutoff.Roland, then leader, slain, and overthrow of franks, transformed and wrought up, became themes of songand romance in 778. Ch march home hastened by general revolt of saxons, assisted by danes. Ch viictorious, but as soon as he left, the saxons mad w/ revenge + hate, took arms. massecre of Verden(782) where 4500 saxons slain in cold blood, only pissed off the saxons more, but their anger no match for Ch, again defeated, their forced leader W, hikind, to submit to god and be baptised. 785. frnkish organization, political and religious installed.
Germany now Xtian. 1000's of saxon families deported into other provinces + and more loyal franks put in their place. not till 804 that resistance quelled.
788, bavaria absorbed. their duke Thassilo, who displeased Ch + his subjects by alliance w/ heathen avars + greeks, dethrowned in 791. followed by expedition against the avars, a savage robber nation of mongols in hungary. victory, but called away. his lieutenants finished the job 798 + german colonists introduced. pannonia added.
campaign in the elbe + bohemia against danes, wends, + czechs. against slavish + scandanavian heathens. also in spain fighting moslims.
his genius + energy succeeded in arresting the political disintegration in interest of culture + order. 800 crowned caesar in rome. GOOD GOVERNMENT. governors(markgrafens) stationed in districts. 2 assemblies a year. Ch died 814. empire disolved w/out him. left writings.
CHARLEMAGNE/CHARLES The Great- b 742. succeeded his father Pepin, king of the franks in 768. crowned emperor of romans in 800. d. 814. 46 year reign. dad divided the kingdom between Ch and his bro Carloman, but he died in 771. in addition too the franks emp, also burgandy, allemamia', aquitaine, brittony, frisia, thuringia, and bavaria. protected popes against greeks and lombards and champion of christianity against saracens on theSW and the heathensaxons of the NE. maintained and extended the influence of christian culture and steps toward converting the military monarchy into an organized polity.
1st supress a rising in aquitaine 772, began great mission in life, conquest and conversion of saxons which took 32 years of warfare. w/exception of frisians, the saxons were last remnant of old germanic resistance to the franks + last germanic champions of odin against christianity. Ch never had trouble vanquishing the hapless saxons + the loose confederation, it was hard to find a leader to depose and make treaty(like iWaq? how about sadr? or is it the taliban?) they encroached on his eastern frontier, was his 1st attempt. stormed their fortress, overthrew the Irminsul, column shaped idol reveared by the saxons, destroyed the sanctuary of odin and compelled the westphalian saxons to submit.
events in italy demanded Ch's attention. crossed the alps + attacked the lombards. victory, dethrowned Desiderius + took crown for himself 774. saxons acting up again, expelled the franks. Ch attacked + in 2 campaigns, enforced submission of entire saxon confed, received homage of the saxon warriors. 1000 whom submitted to baptism. 777 Ch crossed the pyrenees and conquered to the ebro. on retun, rearguard attacked, cutoff.Roland, then leader, slain, and overthrow of franks, transformed and wrought up, became themes of songand romance in 778. Ch march home hastened by general revolt of saxons, assisted by danes. Ch viictorious, but as soon as he left, the saxons mad w/ revenge + hate, took arms. massecre of Verden(782) where 4500 saxons slain in cold blood, only pissed off the saxons more, but their anger no match for Ch, again defeated, their forced leader W, hikind, to submit to god and be baptised. 785. frnkish organization, political and religious installed.
Germany now Xtian. 1000's of saxon families deported into other provinces + and more loyal franks put in their place. not till 804 that resistance quelled.
788, bavaria absorbed. their duke Thassilo, who displeased Ch + his subjects by alliance w/ heathen avars + greeks, dethrowned in 791. followed by expedition against the avars, a savage robber nation of mongols in hungary. victory, but called away. his lieutenants finished the job 798 + german colonists introduced. pannonia added.
campaign in the elbe + bohemia against danes, wends, + czechs. against slavish + scandanavian heathens. also in spain fighting moslims.
his genius + energy succeeded in arresting the political disintegration in interest of culture + order. 800 crowned caesar in rome. GOOD GOVERNMENT. governors(markgrafens) stationed in districts. 2 assemblies a year. Ch died 814. empire disolved w/out him. left writings.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
CHAMPLAIN, SAMUEL de- 1567-1635. governor of lower canada. father a sea captain. entered army of Henry IV of france, went to mexico and west indies. 1603 1st voyage to canada. 1604-1607 w/ DeMonts, explored canadiancoast and looking for a site to settle, surveying and making maps. 1608 3rd voyage and settlement at quebec. quarrels w/ indians and settlement in peril. 1629, Ch forced to surrender to an english fleet commanded by 3 brothers kirk. taken to england, but freed in 1632. went back to canada and died 2 years after. left books.
CHAMPOLLION, JEAN FRANCOIS- 1690-1832- egyptologist. called le jeune to distinguish from his older brother, a professor of greek at grenoble. rosetta stone translation. seized w/ a paralytic disorder and died)-lou gherigs?
CHARITAN of Aphorodisias- in caria. one of the last of greek erotic writers. about 5th C ad.
CHAMPLAIN, SAMUEL de- 1567-1635. governor of lower canada. father a sea captain. entered army of Henry IV of france, went to mexico and west indies. 1603 1st voyage to canada. 1604-1607 w/ DeMonts, explored canadiancoast and looking for a site to settle, surveying and making maps. 1608 3rd voyage and settlement at quebec. quarrels w/ indians and settlement in peril. 1629, Ch forced to surrender to an english fleet commanded by 3 brothers kirk. taken to england, but freed in 1632. went back to canada and died 2 years after. left books.
CHAMPOLLION, JEAN FRANCOIS- 1690-1832- egyptologist. called le jeune to distinguish from his older brother, a professor of greek at grenoble. rosetta stone translation. seized w/ a paralytic disorder and died)-lou gherigs?
CHARITAN of Aphorodisias- in caria. one of the last of greek erotic writers. about 5th C ad.

abandoned, but for sale on ebay. from the description.-
This Log House was originally owned by the Ricketts Family of Hardin County, TN, first constructed on forested land approximately 6 miles north of Savannah, TN (of Shiloh Battlefield fame). Made of hand hewn on-site hardwood logs of various lengths, it was moved a few acres north in the 1930's to its present location and reassembled (not very well) on a site where I intend to build a house upon my impending retirement. It is approximately 18' x 20' not including any later day extensions which may still be attached to the back. The original rafter logs for the roof were not reused, I think. I've been asked about rot........these logs will be around a lot longer than any of us. Rot is not a factor. I can not, however, speak for (nor guarantee) the bottom of the bottom layer. If it were laid-down on stone in the 1930's (which was readily available) there should be no rot, even there. It has been obvious to me since I was a child that the logs were far from matched up with what was originally laid-out. This leads me to believe that it may have been disassembled more than once in its long history. Originally, of course, it would have had a wood slat roof, heavy framed doors & windows and the gaps between the logs would have been filled with a fibrous mix primarily of the rich red clay available locally. A wooden floor was added (dirt floors were the norm for early American log houses) in the 1930's and its function since has been as storage for feed, hay, corn, & potatoes and with various extensions over the decades, has provided shelter for many farm creatures, mammal and fowl. It has served the family well. It has always been my intention to puzzle-it-out and reassemble it elsewhere on the property returned to its original layout with on-site materials with original-type hand tools, as did those before us. A grand retirement project. A real piece of Americana that few can claim. Life sometimes changes ones plans and I therefore submit this log house for sale (bid), if my price can be met. I think the best way to make sure all are happy is for me to meet with the final buyer, on location, for final inspection and approval, with no guarentees beyond that point. I presently live in OK. Cashiers Check payment at that time or before. The photos I have attached (sorry for the poor quailty) were taken near three years ago but there is no reason to expect any changes. Although ebay requires a figure on the submission form for shipping costs, all expenses related to dismantle/transport are the responsibility of the buyer (not including my travel expenses). I do however, intend to supervise the dismantle (any treasures found underneath belong to me). Thankyou.......Enjoy
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
37? more STOOOOPID effing weeks of Bush to go
37? more effing weeks of the idiot Bush to go'
another not ready for prime time press 'conference
repeating the same unaccetable ideas of no conscience.
37? more stoopid weeks of the idiot Bush to go
37? more effing weeks of the idiot Bush to go'
another not ready for prime time press 'conference
repeating the same unaccetable ideas of no conscience.
37? more stoopid weeks of the idiot Bush to go

not REALLY my kind of thing, but from one of my favorite estate sales. and this is an egyptian horse via PENNSYLVANIA. signed by the 'artist'. i found that funny. later i got a much worse new one. same horse. eventually spray paint it black and have some fun.

i wanted to bid on this one, even tho quite big,but it got too $$$. so, i saved my money.