Saturday, March 21, 2009
DARDANUS- greek mythology, said to have crossed over from samothrace to the troad by swimming on an inflated skin + found kingdom of dardanica before troy invented to account for the troad of a whorship of the cabiri. D called the son of zeus + the pleiad electra.
DARFUR/DARFOR- land of the fur or for, a country of the soudan, formally an independent kingdom, but in 1874, conquered by egypt. history of the dadjo dynasty, dominant in the marra mountains, no history but royal names. next Tunjur D-ahmed-el-mazur, saref, kuni, bate, rufa'a, + shrou, marriage of rafa'a to daughter of kera chief, tribe of dali/dalil + furian kingdom, divided country to districts + penal code. different from koran. his grandsonsoleiman, reigned 1596-1637, a great warrior + devoted massilman. his gr son ahmed bokr 1682-1722 made islam the state religion + increased prosperity by encouraging immigration from bornu + baghirmi, next daura/darut. infamously cruel + captured his successor omer lele during war on wadai abd-er-rahman, el-rachid or the jast, a poor priest chosen king, tho revengeful + fond of intrigue was OK, during napoleon campaigning in egypt; + the euro potentate responded in 1799 to the congrats address of his barbarian ally by an order for the dispatch of 2000 black slaves of 16ish, strong mohammed kurra; but he made himself independent + reigned til 1839, when died of leprosy, leaving fame of a violent, blood thirsty tyrant, who was disgraced by the loss of province kordofan, 40 sons, 3rd mahommed hassin his successor, a religious, but avariciousman, died in 1873, blind + old, then youngest son, brahim, who fought w/ egypt to lose kingdom. 1st explored by james browne.
DARDANUS- greek mythology, said to have crossed over from samothrace to the troad by swimming on an inflated skin + found kingdom of dardanica before troy invented to account for the troad of a whorship of the cabiri. D called the son of zeus + the pleiad electra.
DARFUR/DARFOR- land of the fur or for, a country of the soudan, formally an independent kingdom, but in 1874, conquered by egypt. history of the dadjo dynasty, dominant in the marra mountains, no history but royal names. next Tunjur D-ahmed-el-mazur, saref, kuni, bate, rufa'a, + shrou, marriage of rafa'a to daughter of kera chief, tribe of dali/dalil + furian kingdom, divided country to districts + penal code. different from koran. his grandsonsoleiman, reigned 1596-1637, a great warrior + devoted massilman. his gr son ahmed bokr 1682-1722 made islam the state religion + increased prosperity by encouraging immigration from bornu + baghirmi, next daura/darut. infamously cruel + captured his successor omer lele during war on wadai abd-er-rahman, el-rachid or the jast, a poor priest chosen king, tho revengeful + fond of intrigue was OK, during napoleon campaigning in egypt; + the euro potentate responded in 1799 to the congrats address of his barbarian ally by an order for the dispatch of 2000 black slaves of 16ish, strong mohammed kurra; but he made himself independent + reigned til 1839, when died of leprosy, leaving fame of a violent, blood thirsty tyrant, who was disgraced by the loss of province kordofan, 40 sons, 3rd mahommed hassin his successor, a religious, but avariciousman, died in 1873, blind + old, then youngest son, brahim, who fought w/ egypt to lose kingdom. 1st explored by james browne.
Friday, March 20, 2009

D'ARBLAY, Madame- 1752-1840 frances Burney, daughter of charles burney, D Mass., was b at Lym Regis, norfolk. mother esther sleepe. (some french). in 1760, Burneys moved to london;(semi colon!) + in 1761, mom died leaving 6 kids, fanny the 3rd + 9 yrs. her sisters xsent to school, but she was never given any instruction. at 10, she had taught herself to read and write + became an incessant scribbler of prose + verse + ardent about reading. 6 yrs later Dr. pa remarried, + from her 15th yr fanny lived in the midst of a brilliant social circle, gathered at father's house, leicester fields, including musicians, actors, + literary men + aristocratic patrons. her step-mom, although spirited + sensible woman, did not encourage fanny, which she thought unfeminine. fanny, then 18?(15?) burnt all her manuscripts, including "the history of carolineevelyn" a prequel to her 1st published 'evelina', began her famous diary, which lasted her 72 years. E pub in 1778, when 26, which was well recieved. Johnson praised her work! miss B introduced to mrs montagu + the bas-bleus, to sheridan + more. mostly Johnson + boswell jealous. 2nd book Cecilia, or memoirs of a heiress in 5 vol in 1782. 186 obtained the post of 2nd keeper of the robes to Queen Charlotte, consort of George III for $200, from 34-39, attended to the queen's toilettes, take care of her lap dog + snuff box, + to read to her now + then, + preside over the tea-table of the equeries. her diaries + letters' amusing court gossip: but the post was an uncongenial one + quit in 1791 for ill-health. w/ £100 pension. king saying 'is but her due; she has given up 5 yrs of her pen'. in 1793 married M. d'arblay, a french officer of artillary, who, w/ madame stal, tallyrand, + other refugees, lived at "juniper hall". published pamphlet on emigrant french clergy. her only child. the rev A D'Arblay b in 1994. 3rd novel 'camilla, or a picture of youth' in 5 vol. 1795. 1802-1812 madame in france w/ hubby + son. in 1814 pub 'the wanderer or female difficulties', 5 vol, a relative failure. in france + belgium during war, 1814-1815, hubby marechal de camp, which he was under louis XVI, back to E, + G D'ablay died in bath in 1818.
in sir walter scott's diary for 11/18/1826, he describes being taken to see Madame d + says, "i have been introduced to madame d'arblay. the celebrated authoress of evalina + cecilia, -an elderly lady w/ no remains of personal beauty, but of countenance, + apparently quick feelings." in 1832 pub the memoir of her father who died in 1814, d 1840, 88.
MD was not remarkable for personal beauty, she was small, retiring, + rather prudish, delighting to be lionized, while she dreaded nothing more than to be thought unfeminine or eccentric. her styleconsidered remarkable for its sprightliness + humor. her best tho in journal + letters. self-sonscious + egotism.

i pulled out an old drawing pad. i used it mainly for a post graduation figure drawing sessions i paid for at the art museum. i think it was more UWM models. i think this is a short pose. maybe 10 minutes. i was really experimenting with mediums. i will have to find some of the others. already showed one done over spray painted paper. i was never pleased with straight pencil/charcoal. i rather sucked at them, but give me colors? by the way, i think we had this model once. he was the hottest model ever i think, tho we had one buff guy at MIAD and technically, dick bacon WAS mr nude universe at 39. but late 4o's/50's when i drew him. still not bad. damn. keith seemed so much younger than his age......i miss his knees. i miss not getting to draw them. watch him pot. SIGH
Thursday, March 19, 2009

DAPHNE- greek mythology, daughter of a river-god, usually acadian ladon, or thessalian peneus. mother gaea, the earth goddess. persued. 1st by leucipius, son of oenonaus, who disguised himself as a girl, discovered + killed + 2nd by apollo, who she escaped + turned into a tree.