Saturday, March 22, 2008
been reading Gibbon's rousing gung ho john waynesque treatment of the marne. many germans dead. many marines. many town in france displaced, but they captured many germans and recovered letters and messages. one letter was found on dead german-
he wrote- i hope that i will be lucky enough to escape from this horrible mess, for up to now i have been lucky. -talks about his commades buried and the horrid food they are getting on the front.
then a military message on the american fighters. one of ours they captured told them-'we kill or get killed.'
"morale-the prisoners in general make an alert and pleasing impression. regarding military matters, however, they do not show the slightest interest. their superiors keep them purposely w/out knowledge of the military subjects. for example, most of them have never seen a map. they are no longer able to describe the villages and roads through which they marched. their idea of the organization of their unit is entirely confused. for example, one of them told us that his brigade has 6 regiments and his division 24. they still regard the war from the point of view of the 'big brother' who comes to help his hard pressed brethren and is therefore welcomed everywhere. a certain moral background is not lacking. the majority of the prisoners simply took to a matter of course that they have come to europe to defend their country.
only a few troops are of pure american origin: the majority is of german. dutch, and italian parentage, but these semi americans, almost all of whom were born in america and never have been in europe before, fully feel themselves to be true born sons of their country.
and now we try to stop immigration. it seems so civilized. i doubt the used torture.
also the germans seem far more militarized, yet our more amateur troops kicked their asses. as are the iraqqis kicking our ass.
been reading Gibbon's rousing gung ho john waynesque treatment of the marne. many germans dead. many marines. many town in france displaced, but they captured many germans and recovered letters and messages. one letter was found on dead german-
he wrote- i hope that i will be lucky enough to escape from this horrible mess, for up to now i have been lucky. -talks about his commades buried and the horrid food they are getting on the front.
then a military message on the american fighters. one of ours they captured told them-'we kill or get killed.'
"morale-the prisoners in general make an alert and pleasing impression. regarding military matters, however, they do not show the slightest interest. their superiors keep them purposely w/out knowledge of the military subjects. for example, most of them have never seen a map. they are no longer able to describe the villages and roads through which they marched. their idea of the organization of their unit is entirely confused. for example, one of them told us that his brigade has 6 regiments and his division 24. they still regard the war from the point of view of the 'big brother' who comes to help his hard pressed brethren and is therefore welcomed everywhere. a certain moral background is not lacking. the majority of the prisoners simply took to a matter of course that they have come to europe to defend their country.
only a few troops are of pure american origin: the majority is of german. dutch, and italian parentage, but these semi americans, almost all of whom were born in america and never have been in europe before, fully feel themselves to be true born sons of their country.
and now we try to stop immigration. it seems so civilized. i doubt the used torture.
also the germans seem far more militarized, yet our more amateur troops kicked their asses. as are the iraqqis kicking our ass.

this afternoon, i happened to glance out the window and thought i was squinting at the sun. but it was in the wrong place and...THAT's a SUN DOG??? that bright??? went out and yes, it was extremely bight. only the left side. always camera in hand. amazing how bright it was. did that mean our atmosphere was cleaner?
Friday, March 21, 2008
ash wednesday we had a snow storm, cancelling many church services. and this is good friday, so even more church cancelled.
god hates milwaukee.
ash wednesday we had a snow storm, cancelling many church services. and this is good friday, so even more church cancelled.
god hates milwaukee.

well, all the snow that has been melting, just got replaced in 1 day. looks like january out there.

so, digging around the basement, found a bunch of little boys little golden books. ok. $26 was a bit outrageous, last night $33 was wtf, but ended at $46?!? WTF??

this is not mine. i bought a oaxacan cat from her on ebay. chatted a bit and traded art pics. i sent my payment in a card with bullseye burt on it.
her web site is
nice collages.

i have been monitoring eames era animal stuff and boy where owls big in the 60's
my paper tday-comic section, formerly the great lamented green sheet, says napoleon was average height for the time. 5'6". so, does that mean he was short in the other measurement?
my paper tday-comic section, formerly the great lamented green sheet, says napoleon was average height for the time. 5'6". so, does that mean he was short in the other measurement?

another susuko, but it was just the cat, the horizon, and a trunk of a bush behind the cat. so this painting is ours. i did sign both our names. i tried to mimic her brush strokes.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
CATALINA, Lucius Sergius- of an ancient family of rome. 1st appears during the proscription of sulla, conspicuous among the ruthless band of murderers, slaying his inoffensive brother in law, by heis own hands, torturing and mutilating the much loved Gratidianus, vices unconcieled, believed to have killed his wife and son to win the profligate and wealthy Aurelia Orestilla. intrigue w/vestal Fabia. 66bc. qualified for consulship, but impeachment brought up by p. clodius pulcher for extortion during time in africa, but cataline would not stand 4 delay for power and formed conspiracy. new consuls murdered on jan 1 and the fasces siezed by c and autronius. plot failed, but no punishment thru bribery. blah blah battle cataline body found w/enemy he killed.
CATALINA, Lucius Sergius- of an ancient family of rome. 1st appears during the proscription of sulla, conspicuous among the ruthless band of murderers, slaying his inoffensive brother in law, by heis own hands, torturing and mutilating the much loved Gratidianus, vices unconcieled, believed to have killed his wife and son to win the profligate and wealthy Aurelia Orestilla. intrigue w/vestal Fabia. 66bc. qualified for consulship, but impeachment brought up by p. clodius pulcher for extortion during time in africa, but cataline would not stand 4 delay for power and formed conspiracy. new consuls murdered on jan 1 and the fasces siezed by c and autronius. plot failed, but no punishment thru bribery. blah blah battle cataline body found w/enemy he killed.

one of my early estate sale finds. i still remember a bit of the house. HUGE stately craftsmanish east side house. 1/2 price day. i got it for $2! it's big. 10-12 inch long. no idea what it is. hedgehog? i also got my 3 free 1903 EBs and a cute small 'steiff' camel. sigh. i shoulda paid to have them haul those EBs to the car!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
43? @$#% more Bush weeks to go
43? $%#@ more Bush weeks to go
georgie thinks serving in iWaq is romantic
wall street is in a bit of a panic
43? %$^#@ more damned Bush weeks to go
43? $%#@ more Bush weeks to go
georgie thinks serving in iWaq is romantic
wall street is in a bit of a panic
43? %$^#@ more damned Bush weeks to go
Monday, March 17, 2008
1st i read georgie is stalling FOIA docs. of course, georgie doesn't believe in good government. he just wants to be the deciderer.
oh, then i was linked to a cartoon. america had their fucking beer with georgie, not they gotta pay the tab after he trashed the bar.
1st i read georgie is stalling FOIA docs. of course, georgie doesn't believe in good government. he just wants to be the deciderer.
oh, then i was linked to a cartoon. america had their fucking beer with georgie, not they gotta pay the tab after he trashed the bar.
one of my early kaleidoscope cats. very hard to frame, but popular.
one of my early kaleidoscope cats. very hard to frame, but popular.