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Saturday, March 10, 2012


1 PIERLUGUIGI FARNESe(1493-1547)- was the natural son(bastard) of pope paul III, who appointed him g0nfaloniere or general of the armies of the church, created him soveriegn duke of parma + piacenza + obtained for him the much coveted dignity of patrician of venice. his character was shamelessly vicious + tyrannical. he deprived the nobles of their most dearly cherished privileges, forbade them to maintain armed retainers, + forced them, on pain of confiscation, to leave their estates + reside in towns. his cruelty appeared in his ruthless massacer of perugia, who had revolted against his father, + his uncontrollable passion in the outrage he committed against the bishop of fano. at length a conspiracy against him was formed among his own subjects, assisted by ferrante gonzago, the imperial govenor of milan, + he was assasinated  in his palace. his body flung from the window, + dragged by the mob in triumph thru the streets 9/1547.


PF had several children, for all of whom Paul III made careful + generous provision.

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