Friday, April 17, 2015
FLINCK, GOVERT(1615-1660)- b. cleves. apprenticed by father to a silk mercer, but having secretly acquired a passion for drawing, was sent to lenwarden, where he boarded in the house of lambert jacobszon, a mennonite, known as preacher. here he was joined by jacob backer, + became companions + being alike towards art, confirmed his passion for painting. near jacobszon, were the sons + relatives of robert ulenburg, whose daughter saske married rembrant in 1634. other members of the family lived in amsterdam involved in art. the pupils of lambert probably gained knowledge of rem by intercourse w/ the ulenburgs. certainly sand art, who visited holland in 1637. found flinck one of r's best strudents + living habitually in the house of the dealer handpick ulenburg at amsterdam. for many years fl labored on the lines of rem, following his master's style in his works 1636-1648, he then fell into peculiar mannerisms by imitating the swelling forms + grand actions of rubens. finally he sailed w/ unfortunate complacency into the dead sea of official + diplomatic painting. fl's relations w/ cleves became more important. he was introduced to the court of the great elector Frederick willism of brandenburg, who married in 1646 louisa of orange, who was made stadtholder of cleaves in 1649. in 1659 a citizen of amsterdam. fl married in 1656 an heiress, d of the director of the dutch east india co. he was already well known in patrician circles. intimate w/ poet vondel + the treasurer. in his house, adorned w/ antique cast, costumes, + a noble collection of prints, he often received the stockholder johann moritz. blah art blah death sudden.
self portrait
FLINCK, GOVERT(1615-1660)- b. cleves. apprenticed by father to a silk mercer, but having secretly acquired a passion for drawing, was sent to lenwarden, where he boarded in the house of lambert jacobszon, a mennonite, known as preacher. here he was joined by jacob backer, + became companions + being alike towards art, confirmed his passion for painting. near jacobszon, were the sons + relatives of robert ulenburg, whose daughter saske married rembrant in 1634. other members of the family lived in amsterdam involved in art. the pupils of lambert probably gained knowledge of rem by intercourse w/ the ulenburgs. certainly sand art, who visited holland in 1637. found flinck one of r's best strudents + living habitually in the house of the dealer handpick ulenburg at amsterdam. for many years fl labored on the lines of rem, following his master's style in his works 1636-1648, he then fell into peculiar mannerisms by imitating the swelling forms + grand actions of rubens. finally he sailed w/ unfortunate complacency into the dead sea of official + diplomatic painting. fl's relations w/ cleves became more important. he was introduced to the court of the great elector Frederick willism of brandenburg, who married in 1646 louisa of orange, who was made stadtholder of cleaves in 1649. in 1659 a citizen of amsterdam. fl married in 1656 an heiress, d of the director of the dutch east india co. he was already well known in patrician circles. intimate w/ poet vondel + the treasurer. in his house, adorned w/ antique cast, costumes, + a noble collection of prints, he often received the stockholder johann moritz. blah art blah death sudden.
self portrait