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Friday, January 02, 2015


FISHERIES- p243-269 stats

FISHING- FROG- illustrations. a fish 3-5 ft long. but then i saw that sturgeon that warlike 8 ft.

FISTULA- surgical term. leaks. absess.

FITCH, JOHN(1743-1798- 1 of the 1st inventors in connexion w/ steam navigation. b windsor canada 1/1743. son of a farmer + got a usual schooling. at 17 went to sea, but quit after a few voyages, + became successively, a clock maker, a brass founder,  + a silversmith. during the rebellion, he followed the trade of sutter to the american troops + amassed in that way a considerable sum of $.(profiteer!) w/ which he bought land in VA(snow bird). he was appt deputy surveyor for KY in 1780, + when returning to philidelphia in 1781, he was captured by indians, but shortly regained his freedom. about this time he began an exploration of the NW regions w/ the view of preparing a map of the district, + while sailing on the great 'western' rivers, the idea occurred to him that they might be navigated by steam. he endeavored by the sale of his map to find money for the carrying out of his projects, but was unsuccessful. he applied for assistance to the legislators of several states, but each rejected his FAVORABLE TERMS(tea baggers) + none funded him. he was successful in 1786 in forming a company for the prosecution of his enterprise, + shortly after, a steam-packet of his invention was launched on the delaware. his claims for steam navigation was disputed by james ramsey of VA, but f obtained exclusive rights for steam navigation in NJ, PA, + DE. while a similar grant to ramsey in VA, MD, + NY. a steam boat by f conveyed passengers on the delaware in the summer of 1790, but the undertaking was a losing one, + led to the end of the company. in 1793 he endeavored to introduce his invention to france, but no success. on his return, he found his property overrun by squatters, + reaping from his invention nothing but disappointments + poverty. he committed suicide in 1798. he left behind a record of his adventures + misfortunes; "inscribed to his children  + their future prosperity." + from this bio a book compiled in 1859.

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