Saturday, January 11, 2014
FESTUS, SEXTUS POMPEIUS- latin grammarian, no certain date, but 2nd c AD. he write an epitome of the celebrated work de verborum significatione. treatise on grammar by m. verrius flaccus. made alterations + critical remarks. OBSOLETE latin words, only fragments. F gives not only the meaning of every word, but its 'etymology'. DICTIONARY!
FETICHISM- a stage of worship, or of the ways of regarding nature. for "in the simple STATES OF MIND, RELIGION + PHILOSOPHY ARE IN A GREAT PART MERGED, in which ordinary material objects are regarding as holding, or as being the vehicle of, supernatural powers + influences can be controlled or directed by the person possessing the object so endowed. - blah "fetico" portuguese traders in africa- talismans. guinea- fetisso 1st used 18th c by charles de brosses. blah blah. no stilettos or diapers.