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Saturday, April 06, 2013


FERDINAND VII- king of spain.  conclusion

back to proscriptions, banishments, + fusillades now set in. tyranny from the rite. numbers put to death for trivial offenses, + it  has been esimated 20,000 families compelled to leave spain. louis XVIII offered councels of moderation; he reminded ferd(turd) that "christian princes ought not to rule by means of prosriptions," + that "a blind despotism, far from consolidating the power of sovereigns, weakens it." but in vain. his successor charles X said the same, but furd's reply was that he was not able to control the reactionary party w/ had restored him(teahadists?). during later years of his life he took little or no interest in public affairs(hard werk!) + the absolutionists began to turn their attention to succesion. a scheme was matured for inducing furd to abdicate in favor of his brother don carlos; but on the death opf his 3rd wife maria amalia of saxony in 1829 w/out issue, furd filled the "aposticles" w/ consternation + the liberals w/ new hope by contracting a 4th marriage w/ maria christina of naples 1829. in march 1830 the king decreed the abrogation of the salic law.- a measure w/ exalted the carlists1st to intrigue + after open insurretion on the birth of a daughter in 10/1830. in 1832furd seized in a theatening illness, + waveredfrom hisexpressed will, but ultimately in 6/1833, his daughter, isabella II was declared his successor + christina regent + don carlos ordered to leave spain. died 9/1833 + start of a civil war.
furd's delfishness, HYPOCRISY, mendacity, INCAPACITY to understand even the idea of patriotism have sometimes sugggested comparrison to charles I of england. but this unjust to chuck I. Furd was a spanish BOURBON, + in him the characteristic qualities of that house reached their final 'perefction'- "IMBECILITY", dissoluteness, ferocity, mutual hate, INTELLECT NEVER REACHING HIHER THAN CUNNING(W + CHEENEY), w/ a religion that was the fetishism of a savage rather than the creed of a rational being. his reign disastrous for spain. loss of american possessions- new grenada, new spain(mexico), rio dela plata, chili, venezuela, guatemala + peru. hopeless, financial embarrassment, best citizens executed for politics, more banished + 1/2 million slain in UNNECESSARY wars(iWan).  

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