Thursday, January 10, 2013
FRANCE.... in july 1858 cavour +nN III had agreed to terms of alliance; victor emmanuel should be king of italy, w/ possition of the north, nice + savoy, the cradle of his race, he agreed to surrender to france. w/ this understanding, war began after delusive talk respecting a congress, in 4/1859, austria at the last minute forcing it on by ordering the cabinet of turin to reduce its army + dismiss volunteers. on the 3rd of may, the french govenor also declaredwar, amidst the plaudits of paris, + the enthisiasm of the army. the french at once entered italy, by the monte carlo pass, + by the sea, landed at genoa. the emp himself took command, king victor emmanuel placed himself under his orders. the affairs of montebello + palestro, in which the piedmontesse fought well, secured for france the safe passage of the po. on 6/4 the battle of magenta, fought to open the passage of the ticino, was won. after a doubtful struggle, by thye arrival of macmahon, who the emp named mashall of france + the duke of magenta. the austrians fell back, + the allies at once entered milan.
baraguay-d' hilliers pushed the germans out of mariguano; + giribaldi, w/ his chassuers of the alps, dislodging the austrians from their positins round the lago maggiore, threatened their communications w/tyrol, their only sure line of retreat in case of disaster. giulay, who commanded the austrians, drew back w/in the quadrilateral , as the 4 fortresses of peschira, mantua, legnago, + verona, a square w/in which ever since 1815 the austrians had been accumilating all their means of resistance. this quad, well held, coud efectually bloc the passage thru norh italy, for peschiera stands on the lago di gada, w/ runs up ino the mountains, while mantua is not far from the po; an enemy venturing down southwards could never leave these great strongholds on his flank, their siege + reduction would give their leaders time to recover from disasters. to the attack of this strong position the allies now advanced; + on 6/24 they met the austrians to the west of the minceo, + just in advance of perchiera + mantua, in the broken ground w/ lies about the town of solfer ino. the battle w/ then took place was fought tw/ gallantry of the allies + some tenacity by the austrians, who were on the defensive, + had the great advantage of the position of a thorough knowledge of the ground. french historians allow there was little strategy on either side.: at solferino, the command-in-chief was below its power level. the defeast of the austrians, w/out bing crushing, was complete; ; they fell back to the neighorhood of verona, the ally point of the quadrilaterl, + the allies sieged peschiera.
FRANCE.... in july 1858 cavour +nN III had agreed to terms of alliance; victor emmanuel should be king of italy, w/ possition of the north, nice + savoy, the cradle of his race, he agreed to surrender to france. w/ this understanding, war began after delusive talk respecting a congress, in 4/1859, austria at the last minute forcing it on by ordering the cabinet of turin to reduce its army + dismiss volunteers. on the 3rd of may, the french govenor also declaredwar, amidst the plaudits of paris, + the enthisiasm of the army. the french at once entered italy, by the monte carlo pass, + by the sea, landed at genoa. the emp himself took command, king victor emmanuel placed himself under his orders. the affairs of montebello + palestro, in which the piedmontesse fought well, secured for france the safe passage of the po. on 6/4 the battle of magenta, fought to open the passage of the ticino, was won. after a doubtful struggle, by thye arrival of macmahon, who the emp named mashall of france + the duke of magenta. the austrians fell back, + the allies at once entered milan.
baraguay-d' hilliers pushed the germans out of mariguano; + giribaldi, w/ his chassuers of the alps, dislodging the austrians from their positins round the lago maggiore, threatened their communications w/tyrol, their only sure line of retreat in case of disaster. giulay, who commanded the austrians, drew back w/in the quadrilateral , as the 4 fortresses of peschira, mantua, legnago, + verona, a square w/in which ever since 1815 the austrians had been accumilating all their means of resistance. this quad, well held, coud efectually bloc the passage thru norh italy, for peschiera stands on the lago di gada, w/ runs up ino the mountains, while mantua is not far from the po; an enemy venturing down southwards could never leave these great strongholds on his flank, their siege + reduction would give their leaders time to recover from disasters. to the attack of this strong position the allies now advanced; + on 6/24 they met the austrians to the west of the minceo, + just in advance of perchiera + mantua, in the broken ground w/ lies about the town of solfer ino. the battle w/ then took place was fought tw/ gallantry of the allies + some tenacity by the austrians, who were on the defensive, + had the great advantage of the position of a thorough knowledge of the ground. french historians allow there was little strategy on either side.: at solferino, the command-in-chief was below its power level. the defeast of the austrians, w/out bing crushing, was complete; ; they fell back to the neighorhood of verona, the ally point of the quadrilaterl, + the allies sieged peschiera.