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Sunday, May 13, 2012


Mathuw 19, vusz 1-12


1 When Jebus had finishd sayin thees things, He left Galilee an went into teh region ov Judea to teh othr side ov teh Jordan.2 Large crowdz followd Him, an He heald them thar.
3 Sum Fariseez came to Him to test him. Dey askd, "Iz lawful for man to divors him wife for any an evry reason?"
4 "Havnt yu read," He replid, "Dat at teh beginnin teh Creator made them male an female5 an sed, for dis reason man will leef his Fathr an Mommy an be unitd 2 his wife, an teh 2 will become wan flesh.6So they r no longr 2, but wan. Therefore wut Celing Cat has joind togethr, let man not separate.
7 "Y den," they askd, "Did Mosez command dat man giv his wife certificate ov divorce an send her away?"
8 Jebus replid, "Mosez permitted U 2 divorce ur wivez cuz ur hearts wuz hard. But it wuz not dis wai frum teh beginnin."9 "I tell U dat anyone hoo divorcez his wife, except 4 marital unfaithfulnes, an marriez anothr woman commits adultery."
10 Teh disciplez sed 2 Him, "If dis ar teh situashun tween husband an wife, it better not 2 marry."
11 Jebus replid, "Not everyone can accept dis werd, but only dose 2 whom it has been given."12 4 Sum r eunuchs cuz they wuz born dat wai; others wuz made dat wai by doodz; an others has renouncd marriage cuz of teh Kingdom ov Heaven. Teh wan hoo can accept dis shud accept it."

dis b teh werdz ov teh ceeling cat

tnx b too ceeling cat

go eh pees an survz teh ceeling cat

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