Saturday, May 07, 2011
ESHREF/ASHRER- a town of persia. pop 5,000/6,000
ESKI-DJUMA/ESKI-DJUMUA- town of bulgaria
ESKILSTUNA- town of sweden. charles X bestowed on it priveledges. pop 6130. pics!
ESKIMO/ESKIMOS/ESQUIMAUX- name applied by euro ethnologiststo the trib indian eskimates in the arctic areas of america + asia. the danish form recently surplanted the french. the name a corruption of the abenaki indian eskimat o the ojiba-askimeg-'these who eat raw flesh', the native term is innuit-'the people'. homogenous + wide spread, close to the coast. constant for 1000 years at least, N.W. coast of america related closely. blah blah conical skin tents in warmer + 1/2 underground huts entered in long tunnels. temporary -ice igloos w/ ice windows. can get hot. hunters + fishers.