Saturday, July 10, 2010
interesting ad. said old leather cop jackets from differentlocales. movie stuff and candy machines etc. well, it was a movie buff. had 2 old big movie reels. old super 8 cameras. old projectors + a HUGE teevee in a little house. tiny livingroom with a teevee more than 1/2 the width of the livingroom. walk up, oooh, a yellow mailbox. nice widechimes! NOT FOR SALE. poo. house is PACKED. go to kitchen. nothing i want, hey! an old 60's phone booth in the driveway. nothing in the basement. lots of people. jeez, i HAVE to document that old movie poster theater display cabinet. 341 would love that. i on the other hand buy nothing, but it was fun to see the good stuff. i really need to purge more. maybe i can sell that newer scale on ebay.