Saturday, July 18, 2009
FINALLY, an estate sale. but no estate sales lately ok, had art fairs to get ready for. not open house. laura's collectables. tends to be more antique shop stuff. $$$. and much of the house was asian traditional and not much i wanted. i think it was a late 30's pre-ranch or late 40's. bad flow. but big. huge unfinished basement. lots of files. no work bench. i got an old measuring tape. no ice pic. no kitchen goodies. but i love kashmir boxes. and the nesting hand painted bunny eggs i had to save. and another little brown tea pot. i have bought 2 others. and i have one from grandma f. and the check out person missed something. i got $8 for $6. said 50ยข for the teapot!!! you stuff is worth NOTHING when you die. NOTHING. i do think it was a nursing home/moving sale. not big collectors. just had some peanut stuff. blegh. the box holds a 1950 bridge 'game'. for beginners. better to learn by playing. but good ebay.