Saturday, March 28, 2009
DARIUS III- surnamed codomannus, the last of the persian monarchs, succeeded artaxerxes III 336bc. son of arsanes, nephew of artaxerxes II. wife 'sister' sisygambis. good warrior. eunich bagoas poisoned artaxerxes, DIII got rid of bagoas by making him drink poison. his character tho was mild + amiable + handsome(brad pitt), but not good leader + defeated by alexander of macedon.
DASHKOFF, CATHERINA ROMANOFA WORONZOF princess- 1714-1810 3rd daughter of count roman woronzoff, member of russian senate, intellectual. received exceptional education, having displayed at an early age 'masculine' ability + 'masculine' tastes w/ made her career singular. well versed in mthmatics(masculine!) + literature. fav authors bayle, montesquien, boileau, + voltaire. was connected w/ russian court + became part of the party attached to grand duchess (catherine the great), before 16 married prince dashkoff + went to live in moscow. in 1762 at st. petersburg + leading part in the coup de' etat of catherine's. her sis(the stupid) was the king's misstress. elizabeth.
her manners were blunt, scorn of the male favorites of C the G. broke w/ C the G + she asked to travel. 1768, grand tour of europe(hubby deead). 1782 back in russia + C the G back in her favor + appointed her director of the russianacademy of arts + science + did a great job. on emp paul's accession canned, but brought back partially til her death.