Sunday, March 09, 2008
CATHERINE I-wife of Peter the great of russia and empress 2 years after death of peter 1725-1727. natural(bastard) daughter of country girl in livonia, left dsetitute as a child, brought up by a lutheran pastor of mariemburg named gluck. 1702, at young age, married to a swedish dragoon, but immediately seperated by war. was carried off by russian forces and slave/mistress to more than 1 russian general(too pretty for the average soldier?). lastly prince menchikoff, where she was noticed by the czar, became his mistress and then wife in 1711. while in pruth. put himself in peril, surrounded by turks and cut off from supplies. rescued by cath, who was expert to collect enough $ to bribe a turk general for peace. next year crowned empress. pete dies in 1725. prince menschikoff is back and a minister. cath dissipated on court after pete, drinking.