Friday, July 25, 2008
CIMAUE, GIOVANNI-1240-1302ish, painter b in florence of a creditable family. artistic in nature. taught giotto. blah blah.
CINCINNATI-2 pgs. map, but short, not big as Fon Du Lac in my 1903 EB + now C much bigger in status. 70 papers + periodicals. NINE daily. 1 twice a week, 33 weekly, 3 fortnightly, 21 monthly + 2 german monthly. 60 churches.
CINCINNATUS-b 519bc according to the story, ruined by a fine impossed on his son Caeso for murder of a plebian during commotion caused by introduction of a bill by Terentilius Arsa-creation of a code of written laws applicable to plebian + patrician alike, which C opposed. twice called from his plough to the dictatorship of rome. 1st to save the army from Aeguians + volscians, who put in peril(IWAQ) + raising an army + defeated the enemy within 1 day(458). on return, summoned V, his son's accuser, but V fled.
2nd, 439 appointed by patricians, to crush Sparius Maelius, who spent his wealth in relieving the debtors. M killed by Ahala, master of the horse.
CINNAMON- inner bark of a small evergreen tree. tree itself has a disagreeable odor. usually from ceylon. inferior from india.