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Saturday, June 14, 2008


CHILE-name supposedly from tchile, word of ancient language of peru, meaning 'snow'. europeans 1st aware in 16th C. still in hands of incas. only warlike tribe arancanians.
in time of the inca Yupanqui(1433), grandfather of the ruler when spain arrived + 10th succession from Manco Capac, founder of peruvian empire, the 1st attempt to conquer Chili. Yupanqui led army across the desert of Atacama + made way into the southern region + made ruler over most. The remains of an ancientfortress the frontier found in Rapel. machu pichu?
the peruvian dominion in chile ended w/the inca.
Atahualpa in 1533. the 1st spanish invasion led by diego de Almagro(1535 or 1536) who met w/ resistance + compelled to retret. Pizarro sends another expedition under Valdivia + preparing to follow w/ a larger force when assassinated in 1541. meanwhile, V was fighting his way into chili, encamped on the mapocho, where he founded santiago + after Valdavia. after 12 years, a desperate engagement w/ Araucumans, who would continue their fight 180 yrs. treaty in 1722. in april 1811, the 1st battle for chilian independence. in 1817, a national government under dictator General o'higgins til 1823, blah blah blah.

CHIMAERA- greek fable. monster. lion front, goat middle, and dragon end. breathed fire.

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