Friday, April 18, 2008
CEMETARY- to sleep, literarily 'sleeping place'. name applied by early christians. 1840-1855 stories in london, running out of room. big scandals '30' years ago. burial laws. deadhouse(funeral home).
CENCI, Beatrice- 1583-1599. 'the fair parricide' daughter of francesco Cenci 1527-1598, a roman 'gentleman' (my ' ' marks), notorious for wealth, talents, and shameless depravity. he was son of cardinal cenci, financial minister under pius V and became wealthy. son lawless. succeeding popes saw that they should deal gently w/him(mob?-tony soprano?). twice married. wife #1 had 7 kids. one died an infant. #2-childless. worse side-hated his kids. 3 oldest Giacomo, christofor and rocco, sent to spanish university, penniless and starving, til they had to return. Father imprisoned. 3rd and last time, and 3 sons petitioned pope clement VIII to make an end of their father. clement wanted $ tho and F cenci released. his 2 daughters he would beat violently. the elder found means to p[etition clement and prayed she be removed to a convent. pope took piy on her and gave her in marriage to a man of Gubbio and made F give her a large dowry. cenci furious. shut beatrice, 14, in a lonely room, where he visited her to feed her, beat her, and revile her w/her sister's flight. it is said that in this place cenci conceived the monstrous passion that resullted in his death.(incest?)
meanwhile rocco assassinated and 1 year later christofor also assissinated. FC's joy at this recorded, continued to beatwife and daughter. MEANWHILE a cardinal guerra, handsome, had fallen in love w/ beatrice and would visit the palazzo cenci whenever FC gone. petition the women had sent to clement failed, lucrecia and B turned to card G, telling him their plans to murder FC. the card g, persuaded, told giacomo and meeting held in a room of the house. 2 vassals, olimpio and marzio also detested FC. 1st to make look like bandits, but scheme miscarried. abuse grew worse. B able to send message to card g and agreed for 1000 piastres, O+M would enter castle and kill FC in bed. 9/9/1588, FC drugged and O+M let in, but chickened out, but B, made them go back and kill him. drove a long nail through the eye to brain and another to the throat. at 1st, got away with it. wife and rest of kids arrested. M tortured w/out giving up his mistress!!! Giacomo and L confessed under torture but B didn't break. all sentenced to death.