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Saturday, March 29, 2008


CATO, M, Porcius, surnames sapiens, priscus, centorius or majo. born in tusculum in 234 bc in ancient plebian family. noted for some military, but not enobled. a type of genuine roman character at the critical moment when the free state was in its fullest vigor, but was threatened w/ sudden and rapid decline(geprgee?) youth, period of hannibal's invasion of italy. before his middle age, rome escaped from imminent danger of destruction and had entered a time of conquest. bred to agriculture, but having attracted the notice of l valerius flaccus, he was brought to rome and became quaetor(204). aedile(199), and praetor(198) and consul(195). served in africa under scipio and took part in the crowning campaign of zama(202) command of sardinia, where he had strict morality and in spain(194). 191 acted as military tribune in war against antiocus aand part of great revolution where greece wasdelivered from encroachments by the east and jubjected to western domination. fataly affected by the hellenistic world.
cato among the 1st to perceive the danger and denounce the immorality. elder statesman. questioned the 'pretended battles' of minucius thermus, denounced acilius glabrio. blah blal(nader?) regulated w/ a pendantic strictness the expenses of the table, also dress and personal ornament, esp women. futile fight against bribery.
censored in 184. died 149. no office between, but distinguished. but opponent of new ideas. against young free thinking and loose principles(andy rooney). anti carthage! punic war(crank)fearmonger at end.

CATO, M porcius- 95-46 bc, great-grandson of above, cato the censor, by title Utensis, from the place of his death and the reknown attached to it. a remarkable specimen of the effect of heelenic training upon the hands and marrow, but determined latin spirit. inherited his forebears discipline, a sour+ severe temper, a pendantic adherence to form and usage and utter lack of sympathy for any others temper or habits. devoted to stoic teaching. became fanatic in pursuit of holiness and purity in living in a pagan. waged a brave but hopeless war against evil tendencies of his age. attached himslf to no party or cause. did not influence his generation and at last critical moment, betrayed his trust in humanity by fleeing from immediate evil by suicide. on death of parents, brought up by uncle livius drussus, who was beginning to inate italians to claim a share of roman franchise and its privileges, civil wars, disgust of sulla. studied under stoic antipater. fought in ranks against spartucus and became military tribune. 67 bc, served in macedonia. quaestorship, asia appointment, not complient and no cicero. praetorship in 54bc. blahblah blah retired when civil war began in 49bc. supported pompeius. marched thru desserts of libya to much glory. war war blah blah.

CATSKILL/KAATSKIL mountains. just for the alternate spelling.

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