Tuesday, March 04, 2008
CASTIGLIONE, Giovanni Benedetto 1616-1670 il grechetto-painter, brother Salvasone and son francesco also painters. i guess they weren't so good.
CASTLE-saxon-castel, latin-castellum, diminutive from castrum, whence the french chateau and chatel, an en companion, a fortress or naturally defended. also the principle mansion of prince or nobleman. blah blah illustrated.
CASTOR &POLLUX- twin gods. dioscuri, from myth. children of jupiter and leda, to others zeus and in homer, kids of leda and tyndareus, king of sparta. much revered by the dorian race. diosairi presided over games. castor god of equestrian exercize. pollux god of boxing. usually portrayed on fiery horses w/spears, egg shaped helmets, crowned w/ stars. patrons of hospitality. most important deed rescuing sister helen from theseus, hunting the calydonian boar and married daughters of leucypus and battle w/ sons of aphareus. castor killed by idas and p finding him dead, pleads to die, but the gods put them in the stars.