Friday, February 15, 2008
CARIBS- people of red indian rac, at time of columbus, along the coast. cannibals(really?) mainly honduras.
CARMAGNO LA, Francesco Bussone, count of- 1390-1432. celebrated condottieri born in Carmagno. first in service to filippo Maria, Viscouni, duke of milan, who made him count + governor of genoa. lost viscount's favor and became a general in venetian army, fought his old boss and gained brecia away and severe defeat. then unsuccessfull in attempt on cremon, suspicious of the senate, who lured him to venice, where they TORTURED him and beheaded him.
CARMINE-red pigment from cochineal. recipes.
CARNEADES- greek philosopher. 3rd or new academy. 213bc. blah blah blah sceptics blah blah.
CARNIVAL- "farewell to fresh meat." blah blah where word from? blah blah 3 to 4 days revelry. lent. carnasciz le carnalia. history roman, popes, etc.
CAROLAN, Turlogh- irish bard. 1670-1738.
CARIBS- people of red indian rac, at time of columbus, along the coast. cannibals(really?) mainly honduras.
CARMAGNO LA, Francesco Bussone, count of- 1390-1432. celebrated condottieri born in Carmagno. first in service to filippo Maria, Viscouni, duke of milan, who made him count + governor of genoa. lost viscount's favor and became a general in venetian army, fought his old boss and gained brecia away and severe defeat. then unsuccessfull in attempt on cremon, suspicious of the senate, who lured him to venice, where they TORTURED him and beheaded him.
CARMINE-red pigment from cochineal. recipes.
CARNEADES- greek philosopher. 3rd or new academy. 213bc. blah blah blah sceptics blah blah.
CARNIVAL- "farewell to fresh meat." blah blah where word from? blah blah 3 to 4 days revelry. lent. carnasciz le carnalia. history roman, popes, etc.
CAROLAN, Turlogh- irish bard. 1670-1738.