Sunday, February 10, 2008
1 But Ceiling Cat sees Noah guy n teh aminulz n teh cowes taht mooes n Ceiling Cat makes teh windz com n teh watrz iz no moar.2 Teh watrz iz no moar in teh skyz, k?3 Teh watrz goz wayz from teh beeg sanboks. At teh end of teh hunert n fiddy dayz teh watrz iz awl goz wayz,4 n on teh 7teenth day of teh 7 munz teh big bote getz stuk on beeg rokz calt Ararat.5 Teh watrz kipz goin wayz til teh 10 munz, n on teh first day of teh 10 munz teh tops of teh beg roks can seez.6 4ty dayz latrz Noah guy openz teh window he hadz maed inna teh beeg bote
7 n senz out blak burd, n teh blak burdee kipz flying n flyn til teh watrz iz all gon wayz from teh beeg sanboks.8 Latrz Noah guy senz out wite burd so can see teh watrz all goes way from beeg sanboks.9 But teh wite burd no can fine no plaze can setz itz feetz cuz stil plenny watrz in teh beeg sanboks; so wite burd go bak to to Noah guy in teh beeg bote. Noah guy grabz teh wite burd n getz bak inna teh big bote.10 Noah guy watz 7 moar daze n senz out teh wite burd from teh big bote.11 When teh white burd iz com bak to him for teatiem, and sez "I can haz olvie leaf? srsly?" Then Noah noes that teh watrz is goan out.12 Noah wuz liek wateing sevvin daiz und sent mudkipz to see teh sandbocks, but teh mudkipz noes com bak.
13 Bymby, the watrz iz dried up and teh beeg sanbocks is nrly cleened out. Noah is peekn and seen,14 by teh 20An7 day of teh munf after teh munfmonth the beeg sanbox is ready to youse! srsly.
15 und Ceiling Cat sed to teh noah,16 "GTFO, yous and yous wifez and yous sunz and dere wifez.17 mbring out all teh aminalz and all teh crawlies and all teh burds, even the ones taht no fly —and let tehm PENIS gOES WHERE ! and take over teh wurld"
18 So Noah cam out to his sunz and wifez and all tehy wifez. 19 All teh aminalz and all the crawliez and all the burds, evin teh onz that no fly—evin teh moocowz—came out of teh ark, leik in order, an stuuf.
20 And Noah and all teh aminalz totes gave Ceiling Cat their Pokymons, even their Charizzrds.21 Teh Ceiling Cat peeped teh charizzrds an sed: "No moar I sez I no lieks teh mans, even th0 [a] evry inklnashun of his heart is evl from wen he wuz a kittehn. No moar I lukz at teh mans and sez "Do not want!"22 "So liek teh earthz iz forevr n evr,
teh plants groes,
iz frozes and teh hots,
teh hots and teh frozes,
teh day and teh no day
goes forevr n ever."
1 But Ceiling Cat sees Noah guy n teh aminulz n teh cowes taht mooes n Ceiling Cat makes teh windz com n teh watrz iz no moar.2 Teh watrz iz no moar in teh skyz, k?3 Teh watrz goz wayz from teh beeg sanboks. At teh end of teh hunert n fiddy dayz teh watrz iz awl goz wayz,4 n on teh 7teenth day of teh 7 munz teh big bote getz stuk on beeg rokz calt Ararat.5 Teh watrz kipz goin wayz til teh 10 munz, n on teh first day of teh 10 munz teh tops of teh beg roks can seez.6 4ty dayz latrz Noah guy openz teh window he hadz maed inna teh beeg bote
7 n senz out blak burd, n teh blak burdee kipz flying n flyn til teh watrz iz all gon wayz from teh beeg sanboks.8 Latrz Noah guy senz out wite burd so can see teh watrz all goes way from beeg sanboks.9 But teh wite burd no can fine no plaze can setz itz feetz cuz stil plenny watrz in teh beeg sanboks; so wite burd go bak to to Noah guy in teh beeg bote. Noah guy grabz teh wite burd n getz bak inna teh big bote.10 Noah guy watz 7 moar daze n senz out teh wite burd from teh big bote.11 When teh white burd iz com bak to him for teatiem, and sez "I can haz olvie leaf? srsly?" Then Noah noes that teh watrz is goan out.12 Noah wuz liek wateing sevvin daiz und sent mudkipz to see teh sandbocks, but teh mudkipz noes com bak.
13 Bymby, the watrz iz dried up and teh beeg sanbocks is nrly cleened out. Noah is peekn and seen,14 by teh 20An7 day of teh munf after teh munfmonth the beeg sanbox is ready to youse! srsly.
15 und Ceiling Cat sed to teh noah,16 "GTFO, yous and yous wifez and yous sunz and dere wifez.17 mbring out all teh aminalz and all teh crawlies and all teh burds, even the ones taht no fly —and let tehm PENIS gOES WHERE ! and take over teh wurld"
18 So Noah cam out to his sunz and wifez and all tehy wifez. 19 All teh aminalz and all the crawliez and all the burds, evin teh onz that no fly—evin teh moocowz—came out of teh ark, leik in order, an stuuf.
20 And Noah and all teh aminalz totes gave Ceiling Cat their Pokymons, even their Charizzrds.21 Teh Ceiling Cat peeped teh charizzrds an sed: "No moar I sez I no lieks teh mans, even th0 [a] evry inklnashun of his heart is evl from wen he wuz a kittehn. No moar I lukz at teh mans and sez "Do not want!"22 "So liek teh earthz iz forevr n evr,
teh plants groes,
iz frozes and teh hots,
teh hots and teh frozes,
teh day and teh no day
goes forevr n ever."