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Saturday, December 15, 2007


BYZANTIUM- ancient city. 'modern constantinople' (cue They Might Be Giants-ISTANBUL!) has been built there. founded by Megarians 667 bc. war war war mixed racially and fought over by each side CIVIL WAR.
in 196ad besieged and taken by Severus, who destroyed the city, and demolished the faous wall, which built of massive stones, so closely rivetted together to appear one block.
severus rebuilt and named it Augustia Antonina
constantine found the area perfect and established Constantinople in 330 ad.
byzantines, by historians, considered profligate, lazy, pleasure seeking. LOS ANGELES! was there surfing?

this ends B. and here begins C.

CABBAGE-the parent form of the variety of useful culinary vegies. wild cabbage insignificant plant, 1 to 2 ft high.
a channel island cabbage forms usually 8ft, but known to grow double that height. the cabbage that ate scotland!
'drumhead' cabbage in germany converted into sauerkraut by placing in a tub with layers of salt and cabbage and fermented. kohlrabi is a peculiar and exceptional variety of cabbage. cultivated in certain districts as cattle food(denmark, i saw this-you don't eat it?). has anti-scorbutic properties, but unless eeaten when very fresh and tender, they are difficult to digest and have very decided tedency to produce flatulence(REALLY?!?)

CABIRI-mythology. identified w/ the DIOSCURI, (castor + pollux), in common w/ whom they were styled and had the power of protecting life against storms at sea, the symbol of their presence st. elmo fire. worship local and peculiar to islands of lemnos, imbros and samothrace, there extending to troy.

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