Tuesday, November 27, 2007
sorry about no toesday
did some errands. chiropractor, at butcher was behind short stocky biker dude getting a SHITLOAD of meats. if you have to come a long ways, you will stock up on Ray's on Loomis's meat, tried to get roadkill prints, too busy, maybe 3pm, mail ebays,
go to estate sale. estate sale not there on east south side! oh NOES! SOUTH milwaukee. shit. go back home and use up time. ooh, mod houses here???
ooh, look at that fucked up gem.
wasting time, oh look, forest home cemetary is open. so, i drive in. ooh pretty shot!
ooh, looky......oh, what does that one say? wow, that is pretty nice for a railroad man. wonder what he did. 1880's.
more pretty, OH! a tree 'stone' with a baby bear! ok, gotta get out and read that one. ANNIE? this is for annie who died at 42?!? ANNIE?
go down the hill, hmm potter, take closer look. harry? HARRY FUCKING POTTER!!!!! who died in the 1880's. dang. can you imagine what he would think about his namesake.
god this place is HUGE, HEUUUUGE i say! oh, that one is getting close to that tree. i see 27th/layton. is there an exit nearby, don't want to do a left turn onto crazy lincoln ave.
oh, and later get a call from guess who. yep. cute estate guy. well, what shall be shall be. sat. just gotta tell him i can't be his fuck puppet. for many reasons. that and my aunt thinks he's crazy.
so, no estate sales this week. SHOPPING JONESING. yes, i am just a really really cheap shopaholic.