Saturday, November 17, 2007
BURMAH- language like chinese and tibetan. no s. closest is TH' sound. history. buramah might be the chryse regia of Ptolemy. a name parallel in meaning to sonapuranta, the classic Puli title assigned the country around the capital in burmese documents. royal H traces tthe lineage to the ancient buddist monarchs of india. no doubt just fable, but no idea how early communication W/ Gangetic India began. from 11th to 13th Century old Bempue at height of its power. This is the period of splendid architecture remains at Pagan. the city and dynasty were destroyed by chinese(mongol)invasions. 1284 in reign of Kubla Khan. central B often subject to shan dynasties. in early 16th C, the B princes Tounga in NE of Pegu, began to rise to power and established a dynasty which held Pegu, Ava, and Arakan. capital pegu. their wars exhausted the country and before the 17th C, B began to decay. a new dynasty in Ava til 1740. the penguans and the Taliens then revolted and made king prisoner, Alompra, left in charge of monch abu. he attacked Penguans 1st and took the capital in 1753. in 1754 the penguans sent warboats against Ava, but defeated by Alompra, while in Prome Donabew, loonzy and more burmese revolted and expelledall the pegu. 1754, prom besieged by king of pegu, who was defeated by Alompra and war took to the rivers. in 1755, Apporaza, the king of Pegu's brother, was also defeated and the penguans driven from Bussein + area and forced to withdraw to the fortress of syriam,12 miles from rangoon. Alompra off to repel siamese invasion. won + came back to siege syriam. french sided with penguans(of course) and english-B. Dupleix, govenor of pondicherry, sent 2 ships and Alompra massacred 1 ship, the other escaped. alompra now master on the rivers and penguans subdued. 1757 alompra laid siege to pegu, which capitulated on condition king be govenor and surrender daughter to Alompra. took possession of pegu and let soldiers exercize their fury. in 1758, penguans tried to regain independence. Alompra reduced the towns and district Tavoy and undertook conquest of siam.
his army advanced to Mergu + Tenasserim, which he defeated and was besieging the siamese capital when he fell ill. immediately called for retreat hoping to reach his capital alive, but died on the way. in 1759 succeeded by son Noungdaugyi, whose regeign was disturbed by brother Tshen-byo-yen/shembuan and after by one of Alompra's generals. died 3 years later, w/ infant son. throne seized by Tshen-byo-yen. warlike and in 1765 made war on the munnipore kingdom and on the siamese, w/ some success in 1766 he defeated the siamese and after long blockade obtained the capital, but while burmans were extending east, they were invaded by the chinese, but that army hemmed in by the skill of the burmans and after reduced by lack of provisions, was destroyed. the 2500 chinese left were mad slave laborers. now siamese revolted and while burmans off to subdue them, the penguans in the army rose up and began massacre, pursued them to rangoon, where they unsuccessfully besieged in 1174 Tshen by was trying to defeat the revolting tribes. took Martaban and in 1775 put elderly pegu monarch to death and his nobles. Tshen died in 1776 after 12 yrs reign. succeeded by son, 18 yr old Tsengoomen(Chen guza of Symes) and was a bloody tyrant. killed his uncle Bhodanphra or Montaragyi in 1781. 1783 the new king conquered Arakan and moved his court from Ava to Amarapurra, city of immortals. the siamese broke free in 1780's. in 1786, the burmese invaded Sagain. in 1793 peace treaty. siam yeilding the coast of Tenasserim on indian ocean and mergin and tavoy.
1795 involved in dispute w/ british in india + soon war between B + Brits. superior weapons and discipline of brits gave them upper hand. blah blah blah.
BRITISH BURMAH-nope. no read.
BURNS, Robert-1759-1796. poet. 4+ pages. blah blah blah
BURU/BOERO/BOURO-east indies island.
got get this stuff on the blog. trying to finish julius çaesar. good anti-georgie stuff.
BURMAH- language like chinese and tibetan. no s. closest is TH' sound. history. buramah might be the chryse regia of Ptolemy. a name parallel in meaning to sonapuranta, the classic Puli title assigned the country around the capital in burmese documents. royal H traces tthe lineage to the ancient buddist monarchs of india. no doubt just fable, but no idea how early communication W/ Gangetic India began. from 11th to 13th Century old Bempue at height of its power. This is the period of splendid architecture remains at Pagan. the city and dynasty were destroyed by chinese(mongol)invasions. 1284 in reign of Kubla Khan. central B often subject to shan dynasties. in early 16th C, the B princes Tounga in NE of Pegu, began to rise to power and established a dynasty which held Pegu, Ava, and Arakan. capital pegu. their wars exhausted the country and before the 17th C, B began to decay. a new dynasty in Ava til 1740. the penguans and the Taliens then revolted and made king prisoner, Alompra, left in charge of monch abu. he attacked Penguans 1st and took the capital in 1753. in 1754 the penguans sent warboats against Ava, but defeated by Alompra, while in Prome Donabew, loonzy and more burmese revolted and expelledall the pegu. 1754, prom besieged by king of pegu, who was defeated by Alompra and war took to the rivers. in 1755, Apporaza, the king of Pegu's brother, was also defeated and the penguans driven from Bussein + area and forced to withdraw to the fortress of syriam,12 miles from rangoon. Alompra off to repel siamese invasion. won + came back to siege syriam. french sided with penguans(of course) and english-B. Dupleix, govenor of pondicherry, sent 2 ships and Alompra massacred 1 ship, the other escaped. alompra now master on the rivers and penguans subdued. 1757 alompra laid siege to pegu, which capitulated on condition king be govenor and surrender daughter to Alompra. took possession of pegu and let soldiers exercize their fury. in 1758, penguans tried to regain independence. Alompra reduced the towns and district Tavoy and undertook conquest of siam.
his army advanced to Mergu + Tenasserim, which he defeated and was besieging the siamese capital when he fell ill. immediately called for retreat hoping to reach his capital alive, but died on the way. in 1759 succeeded by son Noungdaugyi, whose regeign was disturbed by brother Tshen-byo-yen/shembuan and after by one of Alompra's generals. died 3 years later, w/ infant son. throne seized by Tshen-byo-yen. warlike and in 1765 made war on the munnipore kingdom and on the siamese, w/ some success in 1766 he defeated the siamese and after long blockade obtained the capital, but while burmans were extending east, they were invaded by the chinese, but that army hemmed in by the skill of the burmans and after reduced by lack of provisions, was destroyed. the 2500 chinese left were mad slave laborers. now siamese revolted and while burmans off to subdue them, the penguans in the army rose up and began massacre, pursued them to rangoon, where they unsuccessfully besieged in 1174 Tshen by was trying to defeat the revolting tribes. took Martaban and in 1775 put elderly pegu monarch to death and his nobles. Tshen died in 1776 after 12 yrs reign. succeeded by son, 18 yr old Tsengoomen(Chen guza of Symes) and was a bloody tyrant. killed his uncle Bhodanphra or Montaragyi in 1781. 1783 the new king conquered Arakan and moved his court from Ava to Amarapurra, city of immortals. the siamese broke free in 1780's. in 1786, the burmese invaded Sagain. in 1793 peace treaty. siam yeilding the coast of Tenasserim on indian ocean and mergin and tavoy.
1795 involved in dispute w/ british in india + soon war between B + Brits. superior weapons and discipline of brits gave them upper hand. blah blah blah.
BRITISH BURMAH-nope. no read.
BURNS, Robert-1759-1796. poet. 4+ pages. blah blah blah
BURU/BOERO/BOURO-east indies island.
got get this stuff on the blog. trying to finish julius çaesar. good anti-georgie stuff.
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