Tuesday, October 23, 2007
after checking out the cabin, went to the mole lake indian community building to find the native benedicte wanted to meet with. not there today so she talked with a white coordinater/fund raiser dude. pictures on the wall outside his office. he showed the plans they had for the cabin and the area to spiff up whole thing.
guess they have a matching grant goal. gotta match $100,000 by jan 1 08'. they have 50,000 so far.
where to put the interesting bit about isak dinesen's dad. when he was here, his mother got sick and made him come home. while home they found themselves in financial difficulties and arranged a marriage with a well off lady. 4 kinds. elected to parliament. not sure how long after, he hung himself.
benedicte is trying to get inside his head. i say he felt trapped and wanted the freedom he experienced in WI and while drifting in wars over europe. gotta wear a suit everyday. and denmark can be very dreary in winter. wonder if he missed the cold and snow? even the indians didn't stay in crandon over winter, they left to a river land to the west(if i am getting that right-gotta find the peshtigo river on the map)