Thursday, September 13, 2007
my chicken pen. strategic clutter to prevent cats from trying to go THERE. plus, i keep finding MORE roosters and chickens. once you have 1 vintage swedish rooster, you must have more. IF you like them. also some of my mexican critters, WHISH started with that donkey in the back. yes, i have a disease, but it isn't terrible. seeing i think the most paid for a chicken was $4. the tall wooden one that will be highlighted by itself.
some specific ones i remember where i got them. especially the fake 'ivory' plastic fighting roosters in the left front. that was a very profitable house. and got many goodies. 3 floors. was in very good shape, but it was gonna be TORN DOWN.
oh, the lady of the house-GOLDIE( i have her photo album), jewish, was a post WW2 volunteer in europe and maybe japan. she had all these japanese knick knacks. saved her volunteer packet, which i went through. and had a silk fighter pilot's map of europe. poland, and into bohemia and such. north italy i think. very neat! i wish i had gotten all of the bags of these mixed things. sold some old pigs. such a shame.