Monday, September 03, 2007
well, after dindin around 6, i look out toward the birdfeeder. one chippie on it. and my, oh my. mices. babee mices, bigger mices. lots of mices scrurrying for food. maybe it was a mouse war and the dead mice lost. or just old. INFILTRATORS! hmm. do i say anything? not inside. not rats. ehn. mices be mices.
well, after dindin around 6, i look out toward the birdfeeder. one chippie on it. and my, oh my. mices. babee mices, bigger mices. lots of mices scrurrying for food. maybe it was a mouse war and the dead mice lost. or just old. INFILTRATORS! hmm. do i say anything? not inside. not rats. ehn. mices be mices.