Wednesday, May 30, 2007
BERNOULLI- illustriousfamily from antwerp. driven away by spanish overlords to frankfort 1583, and then to Basel.
James-born in basel in 165. fell in love with geometry. taught blind girl science and how to write. then published a book -Method of teaching math to the blind. not strictlly a discoverer, but application worthy of Newton and Leibwitz(who?). died 1705
John-born 1667, sent to learn commerce, but he too had science bent, turned to chemistry and philosophy and math, then medicine. married high. disputes among brothers. died 1748
Nicholas-son of John, born 1695. showed smarts early. at 8 could speak german, dutch, french and latin. at 16, took degree of Dr in philosophy. 4 years later law. also liked math. w/ dad's blessing, traveled to italy and france. began friendship w/ Varignon and Riccati died 1726 from fever
Daniel-son of John, born 1700, studied medicine, became physician. also studied geometry. at 11, studied in italy under Michelotti and Morgaghi. returned at 24. also a botanist. died 1782
John-son of John, born 1710. law and math. died 1790, his sons last mathmaticians of family.
Nicholas-cousin of last 3, son of nicholas, born 1687. mathmatician went to england, received by Newton and italian professor of logic. died 1759
John-grandson of John, born 1744. at 13 took dr degree of philosophy. 19 appointed astronomer royal of berlin. traveled. died 1807.
James-younger brother of above, born 1759. took law degree, but turned to math. 1788, math professor. 1788 married, drowned in 1789.
BEROSUS-chaldean priest during alexander the great and immediate successors. translated the history of babylonia into greek. known from fragments. his history professed to commence w/ creation of universe. parallel withs bible. his fragmentmore important now(1891) after cinform tablets that confirm different parts of his 'history'.
BES-egyptian god. lion skin, head and skull of the animal covering his head and hidden features. legs bowed like Ptuh(sp). grotesque head attire, usually a cornice w/ 4 or 5 feathers. 19th-20th dynasty.
BERNOULLI- illustriousfamily from antwerp. driven away by spanish overlords to frankfort 1583, and then to Basel.
James-born in basel in 165. fell in love with geometry. taught blind girl science and how to write. then published a book -Method of teaching math to the blind. not strictlly a discoverer, but application worthy of Newton and Leibwitz(who?). died 1705
John-born 1667, sent to learn commerce, but he too had science bent, turned to chemistry and philosophy and math, then medicine. married high. disputes among brothers. died 1748
Nicholas-son of John, born 1695. showed smarts early. at 8 could speak german, dutch, french and latin. at 16, took degree of Dr in philosophy. 4 years later law. also liked math. w/ dad's blessing, traveled to italy and france. began friendship w/ Varignon and Riccati died 1726 from fever
Daniel-son of John, born 1700, studied medicine, became physician. also studied geometry. at 11, studied in italy under Michelotti and Morgaghi. returned at 24. also a botanist. died 1782
John-son of John, born 1710. law and math. died 1790, his sons last mathmaticians of family.
Nicholas-cousin of last 3, son of nicholas, born 1687. mathmatician went to england, received by Newton and italian professor of logic. died 1759
John-grandson of John, born 1744. at 13 took dr degree of philosophy. 19 appointed astronomer royal of berlin. traveled. died 1807.
James-younger brother of above, born 1759. took law degree, but turned to math. 1788, math professor. 1788 married, drowned in 1789.
BEROSUS-chaldean priest during alexander the great and immediate successors. translated the history of babylonia into greek. known from fragments. his history professed to commence w/ creation of universe. parallel withs bible. his fragmentmore important now(1891) after cinform tablets that confirm different parts of his 'history'.
BES-egyptian god. lion skin, head and skull of the animal covering his head and hidden features. legs bowed like Ptuh(sp). grotesque head attire, usually a cornice w/ 4 or 5 feathers. 19th-20th dynasty.