Saturday, April 28, 2007
said at corrente, but might as well post it. watched Realtime. how come the 1st hispanic Attorney General allows himself to look a complete patsy to his king, while an actual PATRIOT like iglesias is dumped on?
again i say. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! a pox on the bushevics and bushies. a pox. A POX I SAY!
and why are the democrats bowing to the teevee gnews and not listening to americans???
said at corrente, but might as well post it. watched Realtime. how come the 1st hispanic Attorney General allows himself to look a complete patsy to his king, while an actual PATRIOT like iglesias is dumped on?
again i say. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! a pox on the bushevics and bushies. a pox. A POX I SAY!
and why are the democrats bowing to the teevee gnews and not listening to americans???