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Friday, April 27, 2007


BECHE-DE-MER/trepang-chinese/japanese luxory food(sea cucumber?) used in geletanish soup. dried for shipping. ick poo ack ack.

BECHWANA/BETJUANA-African country Botswana?

BECK/BEEK,David-1621-1654-portrait painter who was the swqeidish court painter. did many royals and may have been poisoned when he left sweden(jealousy? some princess get miffed?). he was quite fast and trained by VanDyck. may have to check this guy out.

BEDE/BEDA/BAEDA- venerable Bede 653ishAD, wrote a history of britain, gleaned from all writings he could get his hands on. wrote an early 'encyclopedia'. dies 735ish, his bones were stolen from his crypt by a monk and placed with another saints bones, but these were later destroyed during Henry VIII and the religious crap. but an inscription remains-Hac Sunt in fossa venerabilis ossa.

BEDOUINS-arabs living in tents upon the desert.

BEE-pages 484-502. everything you would ever want to know about bees and bee keeping.at least british bees.

BEECH-boc/bece/beoch. Germ buche,swe bok-word for book and beech. runic writing would be put on beech boards.

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