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Monday, April 23, 2007


BEAU MACHIAS, Layron Pierre Augustin de- 1732-1799 French comic dramatist (sort of spaulding grey) son of a watchmaker, became a watchmaker, invenmted a new escapement, which was tolen, he sued. won. he went to court to look at Mme Pompadour's watch, became court watchmaker. lady of the court(mrs) helped him through hubby, on hubby's death, she married him.
he was said to be very lively and after other troubles, did a stint telling his story on the stage, wrote Barbier die Seville and Le Marriage of Figaro, slightly based on his life.supported our revolution, influencing the money lenders. his writings helped spur on the 1st frewnch revolution

BEAUMONT,Frances + FLETCHER, John-1586-1616 + 1579-1625, contemporaries of shakespeare. also poets and dramtists.francis died 46 days before shakespearee, imagine NY NY broadway and 2 major dudes dying. much flowery descriptions of their work. almost torrid in admiration. can only imagine shakespeare's. many pages for these dudes. gotta check and see if the internets remember these guys.


i tried feeding the spiders another big ant this am, but it was a hardy ant. damned thing was walking on the web. what??? the spiders were giving it wide berth after one attempt to capture. i saw the one spider was down to 6 1/2 legs. i think they went hiding behind the radiaor cover.
i guess i wasn't being kind.

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